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(Work in progress)
i worked on a customized knoppix cd, based on knoppix 4.0.2. I'm posting my changes here in case they might be of use to others.

grub gfx boot

i wanted the cd to boot using grub instead of isolinux (can be used for repairs/diagnostics). morphix and kanotix are both using a cute graphic grub menu, which gives easy access to various knoppix cheatcodes, documentation etc. This one's based on morphix, with slight ui changes (added dvorak keyboard layout, kept only french and english languages, updated doc and menus)


grub files need to be setup under boot/grub on the knoppix cd.

note: remember to make final iso image with :

mkisofs -pad -l -f -r -J -V "MYKNOPPIX" -b boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5 -c boot/grub/ -o
../myknoppix.iso -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 1 -boot-info-table  knoppix_iso_directory

boot/grub/message is a cpio archive which controls the ui. to recreate it you need the tools from gfxboot_2.4.orig.tar.gz.

Then you can use gfxboot-grub-0.1_my.tgz to recreate message (based on morphix-iso-grubtheme_0.1-2.tar.gz)

dev setup

i wanted an easy way to test the remastered version from hd without having to reboot or create an iso each time, so i had another machine boot from the network just like knoppix terminal server, except with the current state of my remastered version.

i got tired of having 2 different miniroots (one for the cd, one for netboot) so i merged the 2 together (of course, the actual netboot miniroot still needs the right network modules added to it to work, but that's the only difference)

Also, knoppix terminal server still required a KNOPPIX cloop file, which i didn't want to create each time, so i added a "nocloop" cheatcode to use the raw files instead.

There are issues when using nfs + unionfs directly (which normally don't occur in knoppix terminal server since it's nfs + cloop + unionfs - note: "nfsro" unionfs mount option seems to fix it, but shouldn't be needed), so i ended up putting the remastered files in an ext2 filesystem in a loop file (knoppix_loop) and accessing that from the diskless client.

note: the netboot client still uses pxelinux - grub network support sucks

miniroot changes

i also wanted a way to boot from an iso image on the hd, without needing the physical cd at all (i have a notebook without cd drive, hence "bootfrom" cheatcode wouldn't work there). so i added a "fromiso" cheatcode, and direct support for reiserfs, ntfs and ext3 (i don't mind having a bigger miniroot)

lastly i merged changes from accelerated knoppix, see next section for that.

download new miniroot: miniroot.gz

linuxrc: new original diffs

new cheatcodes documentation

* Alternative boot methods (ie not booting from cd).
Useful for testing while remastering knoppix.

knoppix nbdhost=            mount filesystem on network block device
        nbdport=1234                (nbd) served by specified host.
knoppix nfsdir=    mount nfs directory                  (*)
nodhcp                              don't ask for ip (diskless clients)  (*)
knoppix fromiso=/dir/file.iso	    boot from iso directly. doesn't need cd
                                    as bootfrom cheatcode.
knoppix nocloop                     don't mount a KNOPPIX cloop image. other
                                    cheatcodes determine directory to use
				    as /KNOPPIX
knoppix loopfile=/dir/image         mount filesystem on specified file
                                    (implies nocloop)

(*) : same cheatcodes as available on knoppix-terminal-server clients.


Boot from knoppix iso on hd:
(the whole cd iso, not the KNOPPIX cloop file - compare with just fromhd=...)
  knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda4 fromiso=/share/isos/knoppix_402.iso

Boot from ext2 filesystem in loop file /knoppix_loop on hd partition /dev/hda4:
  knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda4 loopfile=/knoppix_loop 

Boot from nfs on serving content of knoppix cd (same as knoppix
terminal server):
  knoppix nfsdir= nodhcp 

Boot from nbd on port 1234 serving same /knoppix_loop fileas above:
  knoppix nocloop nbdhost= nbdport=1234 nodhcp


The cd's initrd image supports the following filesystems
  iso9660 reiserfs ext3 ext2 ntfs vfat
(original one only supports iso9660 ext2 vfat, so can't use fromhd on ntfs
for example. bootfrom has to be used instead, but requires the cd...)

accelerated knoppix

The guys at have optimized the knoppix cd layout and boot process so it boots in under 50 seconds on some pcs. the cd layout optimization is done with a profiler, and it's possible to use it to speed up apps as well.

the main documentation is in japanese, so here's what i figured on the optimization procedure from google automatic translation ( manual and a tutorial ).

Downloads: get lcat_1.0.tar.bz2 from

note: knoppix-terminal-server changes:

  • build miniroot from /cdrom/boot/miniroot.gz (or prompt user) instead of
  • building from scratch (so we reuse whatever cloop module is in there)

new cheatcodes documentation

* Accelerated Knoppix

knoppix chkblk=10000		    enable cloop profiling. profile data is
				    available in /proc/cloop/
knoppix nocbr			    don't use cloop readahead
knoppix noac45			    don't use 45xession fixes
knoppix noacka			    don't use knoppix-autoconfig fixes
knoppix noacxs			    don't use xsession fixes
knoppix noacit			    don't use inittab fixes
knoppix noac			    don't use any boot script/progs fixes


qemu wrapper, conf etc



via xorg/xfree drivers

 extracted via_drv.o for xfree 4.3.0 from


 fixed /usr/share/hwdata/pcitable to use via xfree driver

home on unionfs

various scripts changes (fstype etc)