Should be deleted, "Installation of older Knoppix to HDD" is a better mirror page

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Described installation was tried on Dannix (Knoppix CZ) from 3.7. 2003 Boot Knoppix CD

Run Root Console

Use "fdisk" to create two primary partitions. Larger for OS (for example /dev/hda1 as type 83 Linux) and smaller for swap (for example /dev/hda2 as type 82 Linux Swap). Don't forget to set up bootable attribute "a" to /dev/hda1.

mke2fs /dev/hda1                     - initialization of the device
mkdir /mnt/hda1                      - creating of the mounting point
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1    - mounting of the device
cp -a /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/hda1           - copy of needed files
cp /etc/fstab /mnt/hda1/etc          - copy "fstab" file to new system location
chroot /mnt/hda1                     - moving to interactive shell

Modify "/etc/fstab" file:

  /dev/hda2      none	  swap	sw		0 0
  /dev/hda1     /	  ext2	noatime	0 1
  none          /proc	  proc	defaults	0 0
  none          /dev/shm tmpfs	defaults	0 0
  /dev/cdrom    /cdrom	  auto	noauto,user	0 0
  /dev/fd0      /floppy  auto	noauto,user,umask=000	0 0
mkdir /dev/shm                       - create needed directory

Modify "/etc/lilo.conf" file:

	append="lang=us apm=power-off"
lilo                                 - write new informatin to MBR

Modify "/etc/init.d/*xsession" file. Find "USER=knoppix" and change it to "USER=root" (aproximately 5th line) Reboot Knoppix and then boot it from HDD (NOT from CD!!!)

Run Root Console

mkswap /dev/hda2                     - setting up /dev/hda2 as swap device

Reboot Knoppix

The Knoppix system is now installed on your HDD and you can run it as root user.

Run Knoppix OS as a different user (not root)

Run Root Console

adduser                              - create new user

Modify "/etc/init.d/*xsession" file. Find "USER=root" and change it to "USER=%UserName%" (aproximately 5th line), where %UserName% is the user name of created user.

Run "visudo" to modify "/etc/sudoers". There you have to find and change "knoppix" to "%UserName%", where %UserName% is the user name of created user.

This change will allow you to run Root Console.

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