Knoppix Remastering Howto
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This is a guide that will show you how to remaster KNOPPIX CD using the old "chroot method". The command lines within "Instructions" and "Remastering the ISO" are tested with Knoppix V7.0.4CD. You cannot use this HowTo for Knoppix DVD.
Setting up for Remastering
- Boot from the Knoppix CD
- Open a terminal and type "su" to become root.
- Configure your Internet connection. If you use DHCP, it should already be configured. ( Run ifconfig to check.)
- Find the partition you will use to work on and change the variable "PFAD" within the scripts as you need. In this example it is called /media/sda1. The partition should have a minimum of 5 GB free space for CD remaster and 20 GB for DVD remaster.
- Make sure the partition is mounted!! (Run mount or df to check.)
- The first script makes all needed preparations:
#! /bin/sh # krhowto_1 # Path to partition you will work on PFAD="/media/sda1" START=$(date +'%s') # Disable screensaver xscreensaver-command -exit # One sub-directory will be used for the Master-CD mkdir -p $PFAD/knx/master cd $PFAD/knx # You will need a swapfile dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=500 mkswap swapfile ; swapon swapfile # Make a sub-directory for the source mkdir -p $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX echo "Copy the KNOPPIX files to your source directory." echo "This will take a long time!" cp -rp /KNOPPIX/* $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX # Additionally, copy the files to build the ISO later rsync -aH --exclude="KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX*" /mnt-system/* $PFAD/knx/master # gunzip inital RAM-disk mkdir -p $PFAD/knx/minirt/minirtdir cp $PFAD/knx/master/boot/isolinux/minirt.gz $PFAD/knx/minirt/ cd $PFAD/knx/minirt/ gunzip minirt.gz cd minirtdir cpio -imd --no-absolute-filenames < ../minirt # Enable screensaver su knoppix -c "xscreensaver -nosplash &" echo -e "\nFinished! Used time: $(expr $(expr $(date +'%s') - $START) / 60) min. \ and $(expr $(expr $(date +'%s') - $START) % 60) sec."
Setup the environment for chroot
- Use this script to build the chroot environment:
#! /bin/sh # krhowto_2 # Path to partition you will work on PFAD="/media/sda1" # To use the Internet add your nameserver into the chroot folder cp /etc/resolv.conf $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/etc/resolv.conf # Allow X-based programs in chroot [ -e $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/home/knoppix/.Xauthority ] \ && rm $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/home/knoppix/.Xauthority cp /home/knoppix/.Xauthority $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/home/knoppix chown knoppix:knoppix $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/home/knoppix/.Xauthority # prepare enviroment for chroot mount --bind /dev $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/dev mount -t proc proc $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/proc mount -t sysfs sysfs $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/sys mount --bind /dev/pts $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/dev/pts mount --bind /tmp $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/tmp
Working in the Chroot Environment
- Now you can "chroot" into the copied KNOPPIX:
chroot /media/sda1/knx/source/KNOPPIX
- Remember that anything you do or create in the chrooted environment will get burned to the CD.
- Within the chroot you can also start X-based programs from command line of the terminal.
- Type "su knoppix" to become user knoppix; use "Strg D" to be root again.
- Update your package list with: apt-get update
- Warning: apt-get upgrade is a BAD IDEA. It will, quite probably, render your KNOPPIX remaster unbootable, or broken in some way. A far safer method is to only upgrade packages as necessary.
- Before you can add stuff, you will probably need to remove some packages.
- To get a list of packages installed, you can use kn-what to get lists sorted by size etc.
Leaving the Chroot
- Press CTRL+D to leave being chrooted; then use this schript:
#! /bin/sh # krhowto_3 # Path to partition you will work on PFAD="/media/sda1" for i in dev/pts proc sys dev tmp; do umount $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/$i done sed -i '2,$d' $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX/etc/resolv.conf
Changes outside from chroot enviroment
- If you want another way to start with Knoppix, make changes in '/media/sda1/knx/master/boot/isolinux/isolinux.cfg':
- for example replace all 'tz=localtime' with 'tz=America/New_York'
- You can append in this file cheatcodes, which you need all the time:
- for example write 'no3d' (without ' ') to each Append line, if you don't like compiz 3d
- Read knoppix-cheatcodes.txt. You can find the newest version of this file on the Mirrors.
- In '/media/sda1/knx/source/KNOPPIX/etc/X11/Xsession.d/45knoppix' you can find, which wallpaper Knoppix uses or which startup-sound.
- In '/media/sda1/knx/source/KNOPPIX/etc/init.d/knoppix-halt' you'll find which sound you hear during shutdown.
- Create a file '/media/sda1/knx/master/KNOPPIX/' in order to start additional services.
Remastering the ISO
- We've finished customizing and ready to burn!
#! /bin/sh # krhowto_4 # Path to partition you will work on PFAD="/media/sda1" START=$(date +'%s') # Disable screensaver xscreensaver-command -exit # Build new inital RAM-disk cd $PFAD/knx/minirt/minirtdir/ find . | cpio -oH newc | gzip -9 > ../minirt.gz cp $PFAD/knx/minirt/minirt.gz $PFAD/knx/master/boot/isolinux/ # Make the big compressed filesystem KNOPPIX genisoimage -input-charset ISO-8859-15 -R -l -D -V KNOPPIX_FS -quiet \ -no-split-symlink-components -no-split-symlink-fields \ -hide-rr-moved -cache-inodes $PFAD/knx/source/KNOPPIX \ | /usr/sbin/create_compressed_fs -q -B 65536 -t 8 -L 9 \ -f $PFAD/knx/isotemp - $PFAD/knx/master/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX # Update the file hashes used by the "testcd" boot option cd $PFAD/knx/master ; find -type f -not -name \ sha1sums -not -name -not \ -name isolinux.bin -exec sha1sum '{}' \; > KNOPPIX/sha1sums # Create new Knoppix ISO genisoimage -l -r -J -V "KNOPPIX" \ -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 \ -boot-info-table -c boot/isolinux/ \ -o $PFAD/knx/remastered.iso $PFAD/knx/master # Enable screensaver su knoppix -c "xscreensaver -nosplash &" echo -e "\nFinished! Used time: $(expr $(expr $(date +'%s') - $START) / 60) min. \ and $(expr $(expr $(date +'%s') - $START) % 60) sec. \ \n\nThe new ISO is stored in '$PFAD/knx/remastered.iso' "
Test CD Image Without Burning a CD
- kvm-qemu
If your processor supports virtualization and it is enabled by the BIOS you can test the new ISO by kvm-qemu. Check for support by:
egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo
If you get the result "vmx" type
modprobe kvm-intel
otherwise if you get the result "svm" type
modprobe kvm-amd
to load the kvm module. Now you can test the new ISO by
kvm -m 512 -cdrom $PFAD/knx/remastered.iso
- VirtualBox
VirtualBox can be used to test a newly generated ISO as well.
See also:
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