Education Live CD

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Edu Knoppix

Edu Knoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Educational applications.
Edu Knoppix enable teachers and students to test Linux OS.
Content: Educational software such as KIG, Dr.Geo, Maxima (didactic).
It is also possible to obtain The ECDL.htm Open ECDL simply using the software present in this distribution.


Freeduc is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on education.


Based off the debian-jr project.


KNOPPIX/Math is a KNOPPIX-jp based LiveCD from Japan with focus on Mathematical applications.


KnoSciences is a Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD from UK with focus on Educational applications.
Feature: automatic hardware detection, and support for many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI and USB devices and other peripherals.

MAX: Madrid Linux

MAX is a Knoppix 3.3 based LiveCD and LiveDVD distro for Education.


Netkit4TIC is an italian Knoppix 4.0.2 remaster aimed at the education world. Netkit4TIC gives to teachers and students the possibility to test networking subjects with realistic experiences using Netkit "core" v2.4:


So.Di.Linux is an italian set of educational LiveCDs based on Knoppix and eduKnoppix developed by ITD-CNR .