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Knoppix customizations that are available for download. These are unoffical knoppix modifications, that have changes such as reduced size, special media (like [http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/keydrive USB keydrives]) and different languages.
imho, this list is too large in one page. it should be separated into multi pages / sections. similar to livecdlist.com. perhaps there's one page for [[General Live CD]] list, another for [[Education Live CD]], another for [[Medical Live CD]], etc...
WARNING: This page is 54 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections.
-- DennyHalim
so i'll start with these sections:
* [[General Live CD]]
* [[Beginners Live CD]] for linux newbie
* [[Cluster Live CD]] clustering/parallel computing
* [[Education Live CD]]
* [[Medical Live CD]]
* [[Security Live CD]]
* [[Server Live CD]] including firewall/router/etc
* [[Small Live CD]] fits in mini CD
* [[embedded Live CD]] for embedded application
* [[Regional Live CD]] main language is not english
if you cant find your livecd here, see inside the sections.
-- DennyHalim
For function based LiveCD list, see: http://www.livecdlist.com/<br>
1. This list is '''ONLY''' for Knoppix based LiveCD or LiveDVD<br>
This list is NOT for distros "based on Debian, but not based on Knoppix".<br>
2. New entry: '''please''' use the following format:<br>
*a. Name, Knoppix version, main function / focus, country.<br>
*b. Features.<br>
*c. Content: Kernel version, Desktop environments, list of main applications.<br>
*d. URL for Homepage, Download, Forum, Tutorial, Howto, Readme.<br>
*e. Latest version, size of ISO, type of media (USB, Mini CD, LiveDVD), platform/CPU.<br>
*f. Supported languages.<br>
*g. Status: active, dormant, alpha, beta.<br>
*h. Name of the author, credits.<br>
3. '''Alphabetized'''. Please keep additions in order separated by a horizontal rule (4 dashes).<br>
4. Please use '''English''' language, but you can add information using other languages.<br>
Thank you.
<div id="wikitikitavi" style="overflow:auto; height: 1px; ">
== [http://www.slynux.co.nr SLYNUX] ==
[[http://WTHP1.disney.com] [WTHPD1]]
SLYNUX is a User friendly GNU/Linux LiveCD from Kerala, India.<br>
[http://WTHP2.disney.com  WTHPD2]
This can also be installed to hard disk using simple steps. <br>
*Homepage: http://www.slynux.co.nr
[http://WTHP4.disney.com | WTHPD4]
*Status: Anyone can help me for further developments... <br>
[WTHPD5 | http://WTHP5.disney.com]
*Contacts: sarathlakshman@gmail.com
*Language:  '''English''', '''Malayalam'''
== [http://aquariusoft.org/page/linux/aquamorph/ Aqua Morph] ==
[[Aqua Morph]] is a Morphix based LiveCD from '''Netherland''', with complete applications for average computer users.<br>
Feature:  light, easy to comprehend and attractive to the eye, repair broken install of other OS.<br>
Content:  xfce4 desktop,  aquamorph background, cpugraph, browser, email and IM, office programs, multimedia, development tools, apt-get, hard disk installer.<br>
*Homepage: http://aquariusoft.org/page/linux/aquamorph/
*Readme: http://aquariusoft.org/projects/aquamorph/README
*Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/morphix/aquamorph_0.2.iso?download
*Version: 0.2
*Size: 382.1 MB
*MD5Sum: c4a86bf263022df87bab6ede1aafaa80
*Language: '''Dutch''', '''English'''
*Author: Michiel Scholten
== [http://www.westnold-developments.uk.tt Barnix Live CD] ==
Barnix is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD.<br>
Content:  '''XPde''' 0.5.1, KDE 3.2.2, Debian optimized [[Open Office]].org V1.1.1-2,  networking tools, Firefox with Flash plugin.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.overclockix.octeams.com/Barnix/prelease.html
*Forum: http://www.barnix-forum.cjb.net
*Download: http://www.overclockix.octeams.com/torrent/Barnix-20-8-2004.iso.torrent
*Latest version: 0.3.6
*Size: 700 MB
*Status: Beta.
*Author: Westnold Developments.
Thanks to Arkaine23 the creator of Overclockix for helping with the space for our Webpage and ISO's<br>
== [http://berry.sourceforge.jp Berry Linux] ==
Berry Linux is  '''Fedora Core''' and Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD from '''Japan'''.<br>
Feature: bootable from USB Keys.
Content: KDE 3.3.1, kernel 2.6.<br>
*Homepage: http://berry.sourceforge.jp
*Documentation: http://yui.mine.nu/linux/doc/edocument.html
*Howto: http://yui.mine.nu/linux/doc/eremaster.html
*Latest version: 0.50
*Size: 148 MB (Mini Version), fit inside 256 MB USB Keys.
*MD5Sum:  b26d861e042c9f707674d0814c49fdd1
*Language: '''Japanese''' and '''English'''
*Author: Yuichiro Nakada.
== [http://hwi.ath.cx/twiki/bin/view/Neuralyte/BristolMorphix Bristol Morphix] ==
[[Bristol Morphix]] is a Morphix based LiveCD with '''Video Editing''' and '''Playback''' support.<br>
Content: Cinelerra, [[Avide Mux]], Kino and [[Cine Paint]], foolproof (prepares a video for input to Cinelerra), extract''clips''from''video (extracts clips from video), rip''realplayer. <br>
*Homepage: http://hwi.ath.cx/twiki/bin/view/Neuralyte/[[Bristol Morphix]]
*Download: http://www.neuralyte.org/~joey/bristolmorphix/
*Latest version: 0.38
*Size: 719360000
*Author: [[Joey Twiddle]]
== [http://www.catux.org/catux-usb/index.php?idioma=en Catux-USB] ==
Catux-USB is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB pendrive / keys.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.catux.org/catux-usb/index.php?idioma=en
*Download: ftp://ftp.salleurl.edu/pub/Linux/Distributions/Catux-USB
*Mailing list: http://catux.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/catux-usb
*Language: '''English''', '''Spanish''', '''Catalan'''.
*Size: 100 MB (compressed), fit into USB keys / USB stick.
*MD5Sum: fb1376bccc364498436129c172d3a208  catuxusb-0.1a-128.tar.bz2
*MD5Sum: 2521beb2e1e3ae2bd3d5b2e26df2aeff  catuxusb-0.1a-256.tar.bz2
*Latest version: 0.1a
*Author: CaTuX, association of GNU/Linux user from '''Catalonia, Spain'''.<br>
== [http://www.damnsmalllinux.org Damn Small Linux] ==
Damn Small Linux is a Knoppix based Mini LiveCD for everyday use.
Content: Browser: Dillo, Links Hacker, Word Processor: Siag, Email: Sylpheed,
Picture Viewer: Xzgv, File Manager: emelFM, Window Manager: [[Flux Box]],
Text Editor: Nedit, Spreadsheet: Siag, Music: XMMS, mp321, ogg123,
nVi (enhanced Vi), tinyIRC, XCalc, Ispell (US-EN), ssh, sshd,
Zile (EMACS clone), Xpacman (Pacman game), Sqlite (SQL database). <br>
*Homepage: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
*Download: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/download.html
*Forum: http://damnsmalllinux.org/cgi-bin/forums/ikonboard.cgi
*Latest version: 0.9.3, 2005-02-03
*MD5Sum: 88a169586d34e34c4e80d840c532cfc0  dsl-0.9.3.iso
*Size: 49 MB, fit into '''business card''' size CD-ROM
*Author: Robert Shingledecker, John Andrews.
== [[Dance Dance Tux]] ==
Dance Dance Tux is a Knoppix based LiveCD.<br>
Content: pyDance (Dance Dance Revolution), python 2.3, parallel mat drivers<br>
and more than 400 songs.
*Homepage: http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/[[Dance DanceTux]] (for now)
*Download: (looking for hosting space)
== [http://www.ceskylinux.org/ DaNiX] ==
[[DaNix]] is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''Czech'''.<br>
Content: Kernel 2.6, freedos and grub boot items, as many free software as possible. hard disk installer.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.danix.cz/english_Info/whatisDanix
*Download: http://www.danix.cz/Members/ruzickap/Mirrors/view
*Bittorrent: http://danix.hladnov.osu.cz/torrents/DaNiX_latest.torrent
*Latest version: DaNiX-2004.11.13
*MD5Sum: 4444a7db1a824b9abae012a615467d9e
*Size: 703MB CD.
*Language: '''Czech''', '''Slovak''' and '''English'''
*Author: David Pravec.
== [http://emknoppix.sarovar.org/ Em Knoppix] ==
emKnoppix is a distribution of Knoppix tailored for use in '''embedded systems'''.<br>
Homepage: http://emknoppix.sarovar.org/
== [http://featherlinux.berlios.de/ Feather Linux] ==
Feather Linux is a '''lightweight''', Knoppix based Linux distro which aims to have a wide range of applications that users would use every day on their desktop. Feather Linux can run from a CD or a USB pendrive.<br>
Applications:            Kernel 2.4.26, Abiword, siag, Dillo, Firefox, Captive-NTFS, gaim, ethereal, Thunderbird, XMMS and plugins, Imposter, IceWM, wavplay, mpg321, FreeNX, John the Ripper, Tcl, qemu, kismet, abcde, macchanger, screen, paketto, ogg123 and other Ogg Vorbis tools, axyFTP, fireftp, rox-filer, cdrecord, mkisofs, rdesktop, tcpdump, parted, partimage, dsniff, aircrack, madwifi, dnsmasq, foremost, antiword, e2undel, iftop, bbpager, utelnetd, minicom, index, gpart, socat, traceroute, SciTE, prozilla, Midnight Commander, Samba, elmo, tmsnc, apsfilter, gmplayer, mount.app, chntpw, zile, tinycc, nano, Xpaint, Xzgv, Xpdf, naim, hdparm, usbview, index, recoverdm, mtr, cdparanoia, betaftpd, Chipmunk Basic, gqcam, e3, lua, Ruby, cdparanoia, giFTcurs, mtools, emelfm2, vncdec, elhttp, quagga, ettercap, wavemon, iptables, recover, amap, hping2, cabextract, splitvt, pciutils, LinNeighborhood, nmap and nmapfe, portmap and nfs-common, aumix, CTorrent, VNCviewer, sqlite, SSH and SCP, DHCP client, xtdesktop, PPP and PPPoE support, NTFS resize support, an RSS reader, stress, cpuburn, the Monkey webserver, Xcalc, Fluxbox, evilwm, the XBase apps, and the various standard console and system tools.
*Homepage:              http://featherlinux.berlios.de/
*Download CDROM-Distro: ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/featherlinux/feather-
*MD5Sum CDROM-Distro:  a4e7f83ec3013565da08c5b6377c0e8a  feather-
*Download USB-Distro:  ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/featherlinux/feather-
*MD5Sum USB-Distro:    17b01cc54e4a304cb1c30098aa6c8192  feather-
*Forum:                http://featherlinux.berlios.de/phpBB2/index.php
*Latest version:, 2005-02-16
*Size:                  121 MB, fit into '''business card''' size CD-ROM
== [http://www.flonix.com/ Flonix] ==
Flonix USB Edition is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB keys.<br>
Content: [[Open Office]], Mozilla Firefox, Mplayer, media center, cloop, hardware detection.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.flonix.com/
*Size: less than 128 MB. Fit into  USB keys / USB stick.
== [http://intevation.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs-misc.cgi/freiesoftwareknoppix/ Freie software knoppix] ==
Freie Knoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on '''Free Software'''.<br>
*Homepage http://intevation.de/cgi-bin/viewcvs-misc.cgi/freie''software''knoppix/
*Download: none yet.
== [http://www.sourcepole.com/sources/software/gis-knoppix/ GIS-Knoppix] ==
GIS Knoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on '''Geographic Information Systems''' software.<br>
*Homepage http://www.sourcepole.com/sources/software/gis-knoppix/
== [http://www.agnix.org GNIX-Vivo] ==
GNIX-Vivo is a Morphix-0.4.1d based Live CD from '''Galicia, Spain'''.<br>
Content: KDE-3.2.2,  [[Open Office]] version 1.1.1 galician, Evolution-1.4,<br>
Browser: Mozilla-1.6, Mozilla-Firefox-0.8, E-mail: Mozilla Thunderbird,<br>
Videoconference: Gnomemeeting-1.0,  IM: Kopete, K3b, Mplayer, Xine, games.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.agnix.org
*Download: http://www.agnix.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=down&bid=35
*Latest version: 0''8''18
*Size: 552 MB
*MD5Sum: 5669fedff9bad5a00acab779309ab839
*Language: '''Spanish''', '''Galician'''
== [http://metadistros.hispalinux.es/ Gnome2-Live] ==
Gnome2-Live is a Knoppix based LiveCD with '''Gnome'''  GUI. <br>
*Homepage: http://metadistros.hispalinux.es/
*Size: 421Mb (version 0.7)
*Language:  '''Spanish'''.
== [http://www.gnoppix.org Gnoppix] ==
Gnoppix is a Knoppix and Debian based LiveCD with '''Gnome''' 2.2 and 2.4.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.gnoppix.org
*Download: http://www.gnoppix.org/download.html
== [http://www.gnuab.org/ Gnu ABIX] ==
GnuABIX is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD with Computer science software.<br>
Feature: easy access to free application software. <br>
*Homepage: http://www.gnuab.org/
*Download: http://ftp.gnuab.org/pub/gnuab-cd/master/
*Language: '''Catalan''' and '''Spanish'''.
*Author: GnuAB (Free software group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
== [http://www.grml.org GRML] ==
GRML is a LiveCD based on Knoppix and Debian. <br>
Content: '''text tools''' and '''system administrators'''.<br>
*Homepage http://www.grml.org/
*Download http://www.grml.org/download/
== [http://www.guadalinex.org/ Guadalinex] ==
Guadalinex is a Debian and Knoppix-based distro, with gnome desktop.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.guadalinex.org/
*Download: http://www.guadalinex.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=1
*Language: '''Spanish'''
*Author: Junta de Andalucía (local Goverment in Andalucía region).
== [http://www.e-fense.com/helix Helix] ==
Helix is a Knoppix based LiveCD and '''Rescue''' CD wtih focus on  '''Incident Response''' and  '''Forensics'''.<br>
* homepage: http://www.e-fense.com/helix
* forum: http://www.e-fense.com/helix/forum
* Language: '''English''' and '''German'''
== [http://linux.hiweed.com/ Hiweed] ==
Hiweed is a Live CD based on Hiweed Desktop, Knoppix and Morphix.<br>
Content: kernel: 2.6.9, lightweight xfce desktop, Poor Man Installer, '''Chinese''' character support.<br>
*Homepage: http://linux.hiweed.com/  (in chinese)
*Forum: http://linux.hiweed.com/forum (in chinese)
*Download: ISO ftp://distro:smth@distro.cn/pub/hiweed/hiweed055-livecd-w445.iso
*Latest version: W445
*Size: 250 MB
*MD5Sum :d86762a40cf15c121b3c9490ec5643eb
*Language: '''Chinese'''
== [http://knoppel.sourceforge.net/ KNOPPEL. Knoppix in Greek Language] ==
A customized Knoppix for supporting, read, write and "speak" '''Greek''' language.
* Homepage: http://knoppel.sourceforge.net/
* Language:  '''Greek''' as primary language but support English as well with (lang=en).
* Current version 0.5 (3 / Jan / 05)
* Based on knoppix 3.7
* kernels 2.4.27 and 2.6.9
* KDE 3.3.1
* Openoffice 1.1.3 with better integration to KDE.
* FreeNX 0.2.5 (from Fabian Franz).
* Firefox and Thunderbird.
* Support for "klik" (probono).
== [http://jollix.berlios.de/ Jollix] ==
Jollix is a LiveCD based on Gentoo Linux, and Knoppix technology. <br>
Content: KDE 3.1.1a,  games and multimedia (xmms, mplayer, xine).<br>
*Homepage http://jollix.berlios.de/
*Download http://jollix.berlios.de/en/en_download.html
*Platform: '''i686''', Optimized for '''Athlon-CPU'''
== [http://julex.silentgods.com Julex] ==
Julex is a knoppix based LiveCD and Rescue CD distro. <br>
Feature: support for NTFS, lightweight,  suitable for older computers.<br>
Julex is designed for getting files back from a dead windows installation. <br>
User can save the recovered files to CD or send it to other computers.<br>
Julex can be used for [http://www.datasol.org/disaster-recovery.php quick recovery] and browse online to get help.<br>
*Homepage http://julex.silentgods.com/
*Download http://julex.silentgods.com/downloads.php
*Latest version: RC2 with improved menu.
*Size: Small, less than 200 MB
== [http://www.k-demar.org K-DEMar] ==
K-DEMar is a Knoppix 3.7 based LiveCD from '''Spain'''.<br>
Feature: DivX, aMule, Azureus, mount of HD in readwrite mode, MyPC icon on desktop, Xine, KDE, aMSN, OpenOffice<br>
CADI: python based graphical wizard to configure the system
*Homepage: http://www.k-demar.org
*Download:  http://www.k-demar.org/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=55
*Language: '''Catalan''' and '''Spanish'''.
== [http://www.linux-kinneret.org Kinneret] ==
Kinneret is a Knoppix based distro for  '''Israeli''' students.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.linux-kinneret.org
*Language: '''Hebrew'''
== [http://knopils.linux.it knop ILS] ==
knopILS (KNOPPIX and ILS) is a Knoppix based LiveCD.<br>
Feature: Packages from '''Free Tree''' of GNU/Linux. The boot prompt, F2 help prompt, default keyboard, default language: all  '''Italian'''
*Homepage http://knopils.linux.it/
*Download http://ftp.linux.it/pub/knopils/
*Language: '''Italian'''
== [http://am.xs4all.nl/drupal/node.php?id=13 Knopnl and Knop Base] ==
Content: icewm desktop, phoenix, abiword, gnumeric, xchat, gaim, gftp, gimp, gedit, sylpheed, (g)mplayer, and synaptic package management, kewl debian-background<br>
*Homepage: http://am.xs4all.nl/drupal/node.php?id=13
*Forum: http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=724
*Size: Knopnl: 245 MB.
*Size: [[Knop Base]]: 87 MB
*Status: Dormant, discontinued in favor of Morphix.
*Language: '''English''' and '''Dutch'''
== [http://unit.aist.go.jp/it/knoppix/ Knoppix Japanese Edition] ==
Content: kernel 2.4.21,CLOOP,KDE, [[Open Office]], Wine, Mozilla, GIMP.
*Homepage: http://unit.aist.go.jp/it/knoppix/
*Translation: http://www.rytsolutions.com  (by Eric Standlee)
*Versions: ISO, Vmware 3.1, VirtualPC 5.0, Label Design, Educator.
*Language: '''Japanese'''
== [http://www.bouissou.net/knoppix-mib/doc-html/Knoppix-Mib.html Knoppix MIB] ==
Knoppix MIB is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on '''privacy issues'''. <br>
Features: encrypts personal files to a USB storage device, <br>
automatically encrypts all data used on a hard drive swap space,<br>
automatic mount of persistent home directory at boot up,<br>
postfix MTA with TLS encryption, preconfigured with provided generic certificates,
automatic restoration of optional custom system configuration, without needing to type specific boot parameters.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.bouissou.net/knoppix-mib/doc-html/Knoppix-Mib.html
*Platform: X86, PowerPC
== [http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/power PC/ Knoppix PPC] ==
KnoppixPPC is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''German''' for  '''PowerPC''' machines.<br>
Feature: support Apple Macintosh, Pegasos.
*Homepage: http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/powerPC/
*Latest version: 2003-07-13_4
*Size: 507 MB
*MD5Sum: 988d08c22df54b0175d9a5a7196e4b97
*Platform: '''PowerPC'''.
*Language: '''German''', '''English'''
*Author: Fabian Franz.
== [http://mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html Knopp Myth] ==
[[Knopp Myth]] is a Knoppix based LiveCD with MythTV software. <br>
Feature: transform PC into  '''set-top box'''  (record programs, rewind/pause live tv).<br>
*Homepage: http://mysettopbox.tv/knoppmyth.html
== [http://www.knoppix-es.org KNOPPIX-ES] ==
Knoppix ES is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Spain (Knoppix en español). <br>
*Homepage and Download: http://www.knoppix-es.org
*Changes from KNOPPIX: ftp://ftp.gui.uva.es/pub/ISOS/knoppix-spanish/KNOPPIX_V3.7-2004-12-08-ES-151204.leeme.txt
*Language: '''Spanish'''
== [http://guli.ispgaya.pt/knoppix-pt/html/ KnoppixPT] ==
[[KnoppixPT]] is a version of Knoppix in Portuguese from '''Portugal''', just from start.
*Homepage: http://guli.ispgaya.pt/knoppix-pt/html/
*Download: http://tux.cprm.net/pub/knoppix-pt/imagem/
*Version: 2004-01-31
*Size: 650 MB
*MD5Sum: 65171ea02c29891c15ec24c35a973981
*Language: '''Portuguese''', '''English'''
*Author: João Silva Neves
== [http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/KnoppixKDE Knoppix KDE] ==
Knoppix KDE is a Knoppix based LiveCD with KDE 3.1 demo.
*Homepage: http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/KnoppixKDE
== [http://freshmeat.net/releases/108911/ Knoppi XMAME] ==
KnoppiXMAME is a Knoppix based arcade machine emulator.<br>
Content: X-MAME, and gxmame.<br>
*Homepage http://freshmeat.net/releases/108911/
* Download http://freshmeat.net/projects/knoppixmame/
== [http://rz-obrian.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/knoppix-usb/ Knoppix-USB] ==
Knoppix USB is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB keys.<br>
*Homepage http://rz-obrian.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/knoppix-usb/
*Download http://rz-obrian.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/knoppix-usb/damnsmall-0.3.6-usb.tar
*Size: less than 128 MB, fit into USB keys / USB stick.
== [http://sslmit.unibo.it/~baroni/welcome_to_knorpora.html Knorpora] ==
Knorpora is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on '''Corpus-based computational linguistics'''.<br>
*Homepage: http://sslmit.unibo.it/~baroni/welcome_to_knorpora.html
*Download: http://sslmit.unibo.it/~baroni/knorpora_pages/knorpora.html
*Contents: http://sslmit.unibo.it/~baroni/knorpora_pages/knorpora_software.html
*Version 1.0
*Author: Marco Baroni
== [http://knopsterisk.com/ Knopsterisk] ==
Knopsterisk is Knoppix based LiveCD with '''Asterisk''' (open source PBX). <br>
Asterisk: transform regular PC into a phone switch and VoIP gateway.<br>
Feature: '''auto attendant''', '''voicemail''', '''music on hold''', '''answering machine'''.<br>
*Homepage: http://knopsterisk.com/
== [http://www.guiadohardware.net/linux/kurumin/ Kurumin] ==
Kurumin is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''Brazil'''.<br>
Content: "Entendendo e Dominando o Linux" ebook.<br>
KDE, Kword, Kontour, Acrobat Reader, Konqueror, X-CD-Roast, <br>
GFTP, xIRC, Bluefish, XMMS, Mplayer, Phoenix.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.guiadohardware.net/linux/kurumin/
*Download: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/kurumin/
*Download: http://www.linorg.usp.br/ISO/debian/kurumim/
*Size: 196 MB
*Language: '''Portuguese'''
*Author: Carlos E. Morimoto
== [http://lamppix.tinowagner.com/ LAMPPIX] ==
LAMPPIX is a KNOPPIX based Live CD with '''XAMPP web server'''. <br>
User can burn PHP based web projects into a CD.<br>
*Homepage: http://lamppix.tinowagner.com/
*Download: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/lamppix/
== [http://www.llgp.org Linux Live Game Project (LLGP)] ==
LLGP is a Knoppix based distro with various games.<br>
It contains deep changes in Knoppix startup scripts. It's completely based on hotplug and udev; kudzu was removed.<br>
Features: KDE 3.3 with Plastik theme and Nuvola icons, kernel 2.6.10, Nvidia drivers, TORCS, Wesnoth, SuperTux, TuxRacer and much more!<br>
*Homepage: http://www.llgp.org
*Download: http://www.llgp.org/pub/current
*Download torrent: http://www.tlm-project.org/torrents/llgp/llgp-0.1pre0.iso.torrent
*Latest version: 0.1pre0
*Language: '''English''' and  '''Italian'''
*Forum: http://tuxgamers.altervista.org/forum/
== [http://www.flagar.com/en/linuxmag_minicd.html Linux Magazine mini CD 1.0 and 2.0] ==
Customized KNOPPIX  bundled with Linux Magazine (from Edizioni Master).<br>
Version 1.0: (number 35 - November 2003):<br>
''KDE 3.1.3'', ''Mozilla Firebird 0.6'', ''The GIMP 1.3.19'', ''Abiword 1.99.5'',<br>
''Gnumeric 1.1.9'', ''Scribus 1.0'', ''MySQL'', ''MySQLcc'', ''Gaim'', ''KMail'', <br>
''Konqueror'', ''gFTP'', ''K3B'', ''MPlayer'' and ''KPlayer'', ''Sodipodi''. <br>
Version 2.0: (number 38 - February 2004): <br>
additional software: ''GNOME 2.4'', ''Mozilla 1.6'', ''Evolution 1.4'', ''Totem 0.99.8''.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.flagar.com/en/linuxmag_minicd.html (English),
*Homepage: http://www.flagar.com/it/linuxmag_minicd.html (Italian),
*Homepage: http://www.edmaster.it
*Size: 183 MB (V. 1.0).
*Language: '''Italian'''
*Author: Flavio Gargiulo
== [http://linux.ictwatch.com/ Linux-Sehat] ==
Linux-Sehat is a Knoppix 3.3 based LiveCD distro from '''Indonesia''' .<br>
*Homepage http://linux.ictwatch.com/
*Download ftp://ftp.ui.edu/bebas/ISO/LS-030618.iso
*Download http://kambing.ui.edu/debian-cd/linuxsehat/LS-030618.iso
*Latest version: 06-18-2003
*Language: '''Bahasa''' and  '''Malay'''.
*Status: dormant and no longer being developed.
== [http://plone.org/newsitems/News_Item.2003-10-18.4551 Live Plone] ==
[[Live Plone]] is a Knoppix based LiveCD with '''Plone Content Management System'''.<br>
[http://www.[[TxOutcome [Live Plone]] is based on methodology developed through the [Live OIO]].Org].
Feature: a nice user-interface, submit-approve-publish workflow, and multiple document types ( News, Image, Discussion).<br>
Content: Plone, OIO, Zope, PostgreSQL, PsycopgDA database adaptor, ParsedXML, and Calendar Tag.
*Homepage: http://plone.org/newsitems/News_Item.2003-10-18.4551
*Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9295
*Size: 650 MB.
== [http://zope.org/ Live ZOPE] ==
[[Live Zope]] is a Knoppix based LiveCD with '''ZOPE web application server'''.<br>
Content: Zope-2.6.2b5, Python, Transactional object database. CAS,  3D<br>
Database feature: store content, custom data, dynamic HTML templates, scripts, a search engine, and Relational Database connections, code, and import/export (MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Gadfly). 3D packages: Blender, VPython.<br>
CAS: Octave, Maxima, R, gnuplot, QCL, graphviz, GCL, rlab<br>
Scientific document editor: [[Te Xmacs]] that can easily make technique documents with embedding output from CAS (various output format, postscript, pdf, html).<br>
*Homepage: http://www.zope.org
*Download ftp://ftp.texmacs.org/pub/[[Te Xmacs]]/knoppix
*Version: [[Live Zope]]-0.1
== [http://www.lnx-bbc.org/ LNX-BBC] ==
The LNX-BBC is a mini Linux '''Rescue CD''' and LiveCD.<br>
Feature:  rescue, intrusion post-mortems, temporary workstation.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.lnx-bbc.org/
*Download: http://www.lnx-bbc.org/download.html
*Size: small, fit into business card sized CD-ROM.
== [http://luitlinux.sarovar.org Luit Linux] ==
[[Luit Linux]] is a Knoppix based LiveCD.
Content: XFCE4, Abiword, ROX.
*Homepage : http://luitlinux.sarovar.org
*Size: '''Small''', 50 MB
== [http://minicd.berlios.de/ MDK Mini CD] ==
Bootable '''Mandrake(!)''' Mini-CD that uses Knoppix technology in part
*Homepage http://minicd.berlios.de/
*Download http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group''id=697&release''id=691
== [http://www.mediainlinux.org Mediainlinux] ==
[[Mediain Linux]] is a '''Multimedia''' LiveCD based on Knoppix and Debian. <br>
Content: audio, graphics and video software (from unstable Debian Tree):<br>
Noia icons, 3D gcombust, xcdroast, k3b, gtoaster, cdrtoaster, eroaster, arson, cdbakeoven, RipperX, Muse, Rosegarden e Rosegarden4, Timidity e Brahms, Audacity, Rezound, Gnoise, Glame, Ecawave, Xmms, Freebirth, Spyralsinthmodular, TerminatorX, Iuwsynth, Blender, Moonlight3D, Vertex, Panorama, Wings3D, KPovmodeler, Povray, Aqsis, Xine, Mplayer, Aviplayer, Noautun, Ogle, Xmovie, Totem, FreeJ, Kino, Cinerlerra, Xawtv, Xanim, Mpegtv, Vlc, Vls, Dia, [[Baby Gimp]], Impress, [[Magic Point]], Kpresenter, Qcad, Sodipodi, Xpaint, Xfig, Sketch, Kontour, Scribus, [[Pixie Plus]], [[Electric Eyes]], Aview, Impress, Endeavour2, Kuickshow, Gthumb, Grace, Celestia, Stellarium, Atari, BasiliskII, Apple2, Bochs.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.mediainlinux.org
== [http://www.mediainlinux.org Mediainlinux2] ==
Mediainlinux is a '''Multimedia''' LiveCD, based on Knoppix 3.3. <br>
Just received some specs about Rarewares .debs and waiting for Marillat one's for legal reasons.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.mediainlinux.org
*Latest version: 2.5 Beta
== [http://www.mediapackknoppix.com Mediapackknoppix] ==
[[Media PackKnoppix]] is a '''Multimedia''' LiveCD based on Knoppix.<br>
Content: Multimedia editing, playback.
*Homepage http://www.mediapackknoppix.com
*Download ftp://ftp.mediapackknoppix.com/Knoppix
== [http://www.mepis.org/ MEPIS] ==
Mepis is a LiveCD set (2 CD), based on Knoppix.<br>
Feature: automatic hard disk installer.
*Homepage: http://www.mepis.org/
*Download: ftp://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/mepis
*Size: 2 ISO CD.
== [http://www.modularity.org/modelk/ Micro Knoppix] ==
Micro Knoppix ('''Model K''') is a Knoppix based mini LiveCD.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.modularity.org/modelk/
*Download: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/modularity/
*Size: 51.8 MB
*Status: dormant and no longer being developed (see Damn Small Linux).
== [http://www.inittab.org/lite.html Mini Knoppix] ==
[[Mini Knoppix]] 2.0 (Knoppix Lite) is a Knopix 3.3 based LiveCD and '''Rescue''' CD.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.inittab.org/lite.html
*Download: http://ftp.es.debian.org/pub/miniKnoppix/
*Download: ftp://ftp.es.debian.org/pub/miniKnoppix/
== [http://miolux.codigolivre.org.br Miolux Linux] ==
Miolux is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''Brazil'''. <br>
*Homepage: http://miolux.codigolivre.org.br
*Language: '''Portuguese'''
*Author: Vilson Cristiano Ga:rtner
== [http://www.morphix.org Morphix] ==
Morphix is a Knoppix based Modular LiveCD distro. <br>
Morphix can be modified using CD-RW Multisession.<br>
Content: Boot-selection, GTK-based installer<br>
*Homepage: http://www.morphix.org
*Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group''id=71814&package''id=71562&release_id=170724
*Size: 430 MB (Game, Icewm), 420 MB (Gnome or KDE 3.1)
*Size: 180 MB (Icewm), 24 MB (Bare/without GUI).
== [http://www.lasolution.be/index.php?pageid=110 Morphix-BareFreevo] ==
Morphix-BareFreevo is a Morphix based LiveCD with Freevo '''Home Entertainment''' system.<br>
Content: Freevo, see: http://freevo.sourceforge.net/ <br>
*Homepage: http://www.lasolution.be/index.php?pageid=110
*Download: http://www.lasolution.be/files/1/docs/[[Morphix Combined]]-[[Bare Freevo]]-0.4-1.iso
*Latest version: 0.4-1
*Size: 134.7 MB
*Language: '''French''' and '''English'''
== [http://morphix-nlp.berlios.de/ Morphix-NLP] ==
Morphix-NLP is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on '''Natural Language Processing'''.<br>
Content: collection of natural language processing applications.<br>
*Homepage: http://morphix-nlp.berlios.de/
*Download: http://download.berlios.de/morphix-nlp/
*Latest version: 1.1
*Size: 448 MB.
*MD5Sum: f0ae2e59e8cd724ace247eb07661d0f
*Author: Zhang Le
== [http://www.niode.nl/ NIOde] ==
NIOde is a Knoppix based LiveCD for the Dutch Olympiad Of Informatics. <br>
See: <http://www.informaticaolympiade.nl/>.<br>
Feature: Without compression or big desktop environment.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.niode.nl/
*Language: '''Dutch'''
== [http://www.networkmultimedia.org/Status/NMM-Oppix/index.html NMM-Oppix] ==
[[NMM-Oppix]] is a KNOPPIX-based Live-CD and includes the [http://www.networkmultimedia.org/NMM/index.html Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware (NMM)] binaries developed by the Computer Graphic Labs of the University of Saarland.
* Homepage: http://www.networkmultimedia.org/Status/NMM-Oppix/index.html
* Version: Beta 2 (release 2005-04-14)
* Size: 692.998 KB
== [http://home.broadpark.no/~aklepp/newton/knoppix/NORDISKNOPPIX/nordisknoppix.html Nordisknoppix] ==
Nordisk is a Knoppix based LiveCD for Nordic users.
*Homepage: http://home.broadpark.no/~aklepp/newton/knoppix/NORDISKNOPPIX/nordisknoppix.html
*Mailing List (baltix-knoppix): https://lists.akl.lt/
*Download: http://files.akl.lt/knoppix/
*Download Mirror: ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/files.akl.lt/knoppix/
*Language: '''Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Northern sami, Norwegian bokmal, Norwegian nynorsk, Swedish,''', '''English'''
== [http://www.opengroupware.org/en/knoppix/index.html Open Groupware Knoppix] ==
[[Open Groupware]] Knoppix is a LiveCD based on Knoppix 3.2.<br>
Content: [http://www.skyrix.com [Open Groupware]] (formerly known as [Skyrix]).<br>
*Homepage http://www.linet-services.de/knoppix_cds.html
*Language: '''German'''
== [http://linux.dell.com/files/openmanage-contributions/omsa-knoppix/ OMSA Knoppix] ==
OMSA Knoppix is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD with '''Dell''' [[Open Manage]].<br>
Content: Dell's [[Open Manage]], KDE, [http://www.datasol.org/recovery-solutions.php recovery tools]. <br>
*Homepage: http://linux.dell.com/files/openmanage-contributions/omsa-knoppix/omsa_knoppix.txt
*Download: http://linux.dell.com/files/openmanage-contributions/omsa-knoppix
*Size: 614 MB and 300 MB.
*MD5Sum: 8ddd5754a2f74d92c7138eaa5a06d89c omsa''knoppix''614MB
*MD5Sum: 6fe842aa50ce4a8e0bd863d979539af3 omsa''knoppix''300MB
*Language: '''German''', '''English'''
*Author: Sven Hergenhahn
== [http://oralux.org Oralux] ==
Oralux is a LiveCD that enable acess to Linux for the '''vision impaired''' users.<br>
Content: free Text-To-Speech softwares:  Flite (English), EFM (English, French),
DECtalk (English, French, German or Spanish)<br>
*Homepage: http://www.oralux.org
*Download: http://www.oralux.org/download.php
*Language: '''English''',  '''French''', '''German''', '''Spanish'''
*Language (future): '''Russian'''
== [http://www.oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/osswatchknoppix.xml OSS Watch Knoppix] ==
OSS Watch Knoppix is a liveCD based on Knoppix 3.6.<br>
Content: Apache, PHP, Tomcat, PostgreSQL, live Moodle, Bodington VLE,<br>
XML writer and delivery tools. See http://www.tei-c.org <br>
*Homepage: http://www.oss-watch.ac.uk/resources/osswatchknoppix.xml
*Download: http://www.oss-watch.ac.uk/downloads
== [http://overclockix.octeams.com Overclockix] ==
Overclockix is a Knoppix 3.4 (Cebit) based LiveCD.<br>
Content: Packages available for the SID (unstable) branch of Debian.<br>
Captive-NTFS (write support), install on demand scripts, XFCE, Gnome 2.4,<br>
Kernel: 2.4.23-xfs and 2.6.1 (selectable at boot),  KDE 3.2.2 with noia icons,<br>
Fluxbox, Icewm, Enlightenment, Gimp 2.0, ml-donkey, BT, mplayer, karamba,<br>
mozilla-firefox and thunderbird, stress-testers and DC clients, stylish desktop.<br>
OverclockixLTSP:  a Knoppix 3.3 LiveCD with folding@home script, and modified LTSP.<br>
You do have to use persistent home or hdd-install in order to fold@home with PXE-booted clients. This is a technical issue involving the dynamic ramdisk which prevents NFS or Samba from being able to mount the live CD filesystem unless there is a permanent, fixed-size medium for data. I did not include instructions but it is very simple. I suggest checking out the Overclockix Support Forum where I'll be happy to help you get started.
*Homepage- http://overclockix.octeams.com
*Forum- http://overclockix-forum.theaog.com
*Screenshot-  http://overclockix.octeams.com/snapshot19.jpg
== [http://www.phlak.org/modules/news/ Phlak] ==
PHLAK is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on '''security'''.<br>
Function: security analysis, penetration testing, forensics, and security auditing.<br>
Content: fluxbox, XFCE4, printing, publishing, multimedia, security tools,<br>
Security related documentations.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.phlak.org/modules/news/
== [http://www.pilotlinux.nl/licron/ Pilot Linux] ==
[[Pilot Linux]] is a Morphix based '''terminal client''' LiveCD.<br>
[[Pilot Linux]] transforms a PC into a  '''Thin Client''' PC.<br>
Feature: user can link to a terminal server or enter the server address manually. <br>
Supported protocols: MS-Terminal Servers (RDP-5), VNC and X.<br>
Supported protocols (in the future): Citrix-ICA, NX.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.pilotlinux.nl/licron/
*Latest version: Release Candidate for V. 2.
== [http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html Quantian] ==
Quantian is a [[Cluster Knoppix]] based LiveCD with focus on '''quantitative, numerical, scientific''' applications. <br>
Content: openMosix,  R (CRAN packages), Octave (incl. add-on packages),<br>
Gambit,Gap, GiNaC, GMT, Grace, Gri, GSL, Kile, Latex, Lyx, Maxima, OpenDX, Pari, PDL, PSPP, Quantlib, Texmacs, Xlisp-stat, Yacas, and Yorick.<br>
*Homepage: http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html
== [http://pyrorobotics.org/pyro/?page=PyroLiveCD Robotics Knoppix] ==
Compilation of some of the more popular '''robotics software and simulators'''.<br>
Content: Player, Stage, Gazebo, Pyro Robotics, and Khepera simulator.<br>
Control system in Python for programming simulated robots, (incl. Open GL).<br>
*Homepage: http://pyrorobotics.org/pyro/?page=PyroLiveCD
== [http://www.intrusion-lab.de/roca/ ro CA] ==
roCA is an '''X.509 certification authority''' on a Knoppix 3.7.<br>
The keys of the CA and the certificates are kept on USB memory (AES encrypted), so the keys are always secure. <br>
roCA uses [http://tinyca.sm-zone.net/ Tiny CA] as frontend to OpenSSL.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.intrusion-lab.de/roca/
*Download: ftp://concert.cert.dfn.de/pub/pca/tools/roca/
== [http://www.umftgm.ro/roslims/ ROSLIMS] ==
ROSLIMS (Romanian Simple Linux for Medical Students) is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD  with focus on '''Medical''' software for students.<br>
Content: Medical Reference: Pybliographer, Medline Query Interface,<br>
molecule editors:XDrawChem,[[Chem Tool]], [[Abi Word]] (text editor),<br>
truetype fonts with Eastern European character support,  (KDE 3.2.2)<br>
72 pages tutorial in Romanian Language.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.umftgm.ro/roslims/
*Download: http://ftp.linux360.ro/distributii/roslims/
*Language: '''Romanian''' and '''English'''
*Author: Dr. Marius Stefan MARUSTERI, ro_knoppix '''AT''' umftgm '''DOT''' ro
== [http://www.skolelinux.no/ Skole KNOPPIX] ==
Based on the Skolelinux project.
*Homepage: http://www.skolelinux.no/
*Download: ftp://ftp.skolelinux.no/skolelinux/knoppixes/skoleknoppix/
*Download: ftp://ftp.nvg.ntnu.no/pub/linux/skoleknoppix/
*Language: '''Norwegian'''.
== [http://slix.ljudmila.org/ Slix] ==
Slix is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''Slovenia'''
Content: productivity applications: Open Office, browser.
*Homepage http://slix.ljudmila.org/
*Language: '''Slovenian'''
== [http://www.skolelinux.org/~conrad/snofrix.html Snøfrix] ==
Emphasis on education, entertainment, and multimedia.  Many games included.
*Content:  http://www.skolelinux.org/~conrad/snofrix/html/us/programs.html
*Homepage: http://www.skolelinux.org/~conrad/snofrix.html
*Download: http://www.skolelinux.org/~conrad/snofrix/html/us/download.html
*Language: Multiple CD images, with most European languages
== [http://www.linet-services.de/knoppix_cds.html SQL-Ledger Knoppix] ==
SQL-Ledger Knoppix is a liveCD based on Knoppix 3.2.<br>
Content: Accounting software SQL-Ledger (http://www.sql-ledger.org).
*Homepage http://www.linet-services.de/knoppix_cds.html
*Language: '''German'''
== [http://gpstudio.com/stux/ STUX 0.7] ==
Knoppix LiveCD based on '''Slackware 9.1'''
*Homepage: http://gpstudio.com/stux/
*Download: http://gpstudio.com/stux/downloads.html
== [http://sulix.homelinux.net/ Sulix] ==
*Homepage: http://sulix.homelinux.net/
*Download: http://sulix.homelinux.net/stuff/
*Language: '''Hungarian'''
== [http://www.tina-vision.net TiNA Knoppix] ==
TiNA Knoppix is a Knoppix based live CD designed for machine vision and image analysis researchers. <br>
Features: the University of Manchester's TiNA open-source machine vision libraries and archive of
our published papers and in-house memos on machine vision, medical images analysis and statistics,
together with some related software (e.g. ddd, gnuplot, xgobi, maxima). <br>
* Homepage: http://www.tina-vision.net
* Download: http://www.tina-vision.net/tina-knoppix/iso
* Latest version: 1.0.2 (based on Knoppix 3.7)
* Size: 655 Mb
* Langauge: English
* Author: Dr. Paul A. Bromiley
== [http://home.iae.nl/users/reinc/dxpedition_disk.html TLF-Morphix] ==
TLF-Morphix is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on '''Ham Radio'''.<br>
Feature: a combination of LiveCD, TLF, and USB Keys / pendisk.<br>
See: [http://www.iae.nl/users/reinc/TLF-0.2.html TLF].<br>
Content: TLF-0.9.13,  cwdaemon-0.8,  KDE 3.1, ax25-apps''0.0.6-4,  ax25-tools''0.0.8-4.1,
ftpd''0.17-16, netcat''1.10-23, tcpdump''3.7.2-2, xconvers''0.8.2, xdx, xconvers,
hamlib1''1.1.4, libax25''0.0.11-2, driver for wireless cards  (802.11b).
*Homepage: http://home.iae.nl/users/reinc/dxpedition_disk.html
*Download: http://www.wwns.com/tlf/tlf-morphix/
*Latest Version: 0.20.live, and 0.20.USB (fit inside USB Keys)
*Size: 397 MB (LiveCD), 1.45 MB (USB)
*Language: '''Dutch''' and '''English'''
*Author: Rein Couperus
== [http://www.markpreston.co.uk Toophpix] ==
Based on Knoppix 3.3. with some added files, a LAMP server, and modifiable form templates for dentists. By loading a MySQL database into RAM it allows users to enter data. The input patient details can then be saved to, and restored from, USB sticks or floppy disks by clicking desktop icons. United Kingdom based distro.
*Latest Version: 0412
*Introduction and Screenshots<br>
*Download: http://truth.positive-internet.com/~mpreston/toophpix0412.iso
*md5sum http://truth.positive-internet.com/~mpreston/toophpix0412.iso.md5
*Size: 718 MB
You might find the following commands useful as well to burn the cd to a
700Mb disc under Linux:<br>
cdrecord -scanbus<br>
cdrecord -overburn dev=0,0,0 toophpix0412.iso<br>
the three numbers (0,0,0) are those returned from the scanbus command.
*Language: English
*Author: Mark Preston
== [http://www.trxlinux.org/ Tr X] ==
Content: KDE 3.1.1, router and firewall. <br>
Configuration data stored on a floppy disk, hard disk, or USB keys.<br>
*Homepage http://www.trxlinux.org/
*Screenshots http://www.trxlinux.org/shots.html
*Package List http://www.trxlinux.org/list.txt
*Download http://www.trxlinux.org/download/
*Language: '''Turkish'''
== [http://www.vigyaancd.org/ Vigyaan CD] ==
VigyaanCD is suitable for '''bioinformatics, computational biology and computational chemistry'''. <br>
Artemis, Bioperl, BLAST (NCBI-tools), ClustalX, Cn3D, EMBOSS tools, Garlic,<br>
GROMACS, Ghemical, GNU R, Gnuplot, GIMP, Image Magick, JMol, MPQC,<br>
NJPlot, Open Babel, Octave, PSI3, PyMOL, Rasmol, Raster3D, SMILE,<br>
TINKER, XDrawChem, Xmgr, Xfig and GNU C/C++/Fortran compilers.<br>
Genomes from ''Eschercia coli'' (K 12) and Synechococcus sp. WH 8102.<br>
12 demos and tutorials for beginners.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.vigyaancd.org/
*Screenshots: http://www.vigyaancd.org/sample.html
*Download: http://www.vigyaancd.org/download.html (several mirrors around the world)
*Size: 647 MB.
*Latest version: 0.1
== [http://www.decurauma.cl/wendyx Wendyx Linux] ==
Wendyx is a Knoppix based LiveCD from '''Chile'''.<br />
Content: Only one applications for type<br />
Customizacion de Knoppix Chilena en español hecha por Enrique Herrera Noya. Basada en Knoppix-es, orientada a estaciones de trabajo.<br />
*Homepage: http://www.decurauma.cl/wendyx/ (Site in spanish)
*Download: http://buscando.hosting.aun
*Size: 200 MB. (intentando)
*Latest version: Beta
*Language: '''Spanish'''
*Author: Enrique Herera Noya
== [http://whoppix.net Whoppix] ==
White Hat Knoppix (WHoppix) is a Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD with focus on '''security penetration testing'''.<br>
* Homepage: http://whoppix.net
* Homepage: http://www.whitehat.co.il
* Download: http://whoppix.net/download.html
* Language: '''Hebrew''' and '''English'''
== [http://www.x-evian.org X-evian] ==
X-evian is a Debian and Knoppix based Live-CD.<br>
Feature: automatic hard disk installer.<br>
*Homepage: http://www.x-evian.org
*English version: http://www.sindominio.net/metabolik/x-evian/en/x-evian.html
*Download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84034
*Language: '''Spanish'''
== [http://www.xfld.org XFLD] ==
Xfld is a Knoppix based LiveCD with '''Xfce''' desktop environment. <br>
*Homepage: http://www.xfld.org/
== [http://www.yalst.de/democd.php yalst LiveSupportTool] ==
yalst LiveSupportTool live demo CD based on Knoppix 3.6<br>
Browser based live support solution to chat with website visitors, monitor traffic, track users and many more
features. This CD starts Apache and MySQL at boot time and launches the Mozilla browser with a local website
where you can test this live support software from the visitor and the operators side.
*Homepage: http://www.yalst.de
*Download: http://www.yalst.de/democd.php
*Size: 696 MB
*Version: 2.0 (yalst 3.06)
*Language: '''German'''
*Status: active
*Authors: Andreas Beckmann, Markus Jasinski
== [http://www.yoper.com YLive] ==
Ylive is a livecd of Yoper. Yoper is a high performance operating system.
*Homepage http://www.yoper.com/
*Download http://www.yoper.com/download.html
*Status: Not available yet, under development.
*Platform:  '''Optimized''' for '''i686'''
== WISHLIST for Knoppix Customisations ==
You can enter your fancy ideas into this [[Wish List]]
* other list: http://www.frozentech.com/content/livecd.php
* general linux distro: http://lwn.net/Distributions/

Revision as of 12:48, 2 September 2005

Knoppix customizations that are available for download. These are unoffical knoppix modifications, that have changes such as reduced size, special media (like USB keydrives) and different languages.

imho, this list is too large in one page. it should be separated into multi pages / sections. similar to livecdlist.com. perhaps there's one page for General Live CD list, another for Education Live CD, another for Medical Live CD, etc... WARNING: This page is 54 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections. -- DennyHalim

so i'll start with these sections:

if you cant find your livecd here, see inside the sections. -- DennyHalim

For function based LiveCD list, see: http://www.livecdlist.com/

1. This list is ONLY for Knoppix based LiveCD or LiveDVD
This list is NOT for distros "based on Debian, but not based on Knoppix".
2. New entry: please use the following format:

  • a. Name, Knoppix version, main function / focus, country.
  • b. Features.
  • c. Content: Kernel version, Desktop environments, list of main applications.
  • d. URL for Homepage, Download, Forum, Tutorial, Howto, Readme.
  • e. Latest version, size of ISO, type of media (USB, Mini CD, LiveDVD), platform/CPU.
  • f. Supported languages.
  • g. Status: active, dormant, alpha, beta.
  • h. Name of the author, credits.

3. Alphabetized. Please keep additions in order separated by a horizontal rule (4 dashes).
4. Please use English language, but you can add information using other languages.
Thank you.


SLYNUX is a User friendly GNU/Linux LiveCD from Kerala, India.
This can also be installed to hard disk using simple steps.

  • Homepage: http://www.slynux.co.nr
  • Status: Anyone can help me for further developments...
  • Contacts: sarathlakshman@gmail.com
  • Language: English, Malayalam

Aqua Morph

Aqua Morph is a Morphix based LiveCD from Netherland, with complete applications for average computer users.
Feature: light, easy to comprehend and attractive to the eye, repair broken install of other OS.
Content: xfce4 desktop, aquamorph background, cpugraph, browser, email and IM, office programs, multimedia, development tools, apt-get, hard disk installer.

Barnix Live CD

Barnix is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD.
Content: XPde 0.5.1, KDE 3.2.2, Debian optimized Open Office.org V1.1.1-2, networking tools, Firefox with Flash plugin.

Thanks to Arkaine23 the creator of Overclockix for helping with the space for our Webpage and ISO's

Berry Linux

Berry Linux is Fedora Core and Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD from Japan.
Feature: bootable from USB Keys. Content: KDE 3.3.1, kernel 2.6.

Bristol Morphix

Bristol Morphix is a Morphix based LiveCD with Video Editing and Playback support.
Content: Cinelerra, Avide Mux, Kino and Cine Paint, foolproof (prepares a video for input to Cinelerra), extractclipsfromvideo (extracts clips from video), riprealplayer.


Catux-USB is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB pendrive / keys.

Damn Small Linux

Damn Small Linux is a Knoppix based Mini LiveCD for everyday use. Content: Browser: Dillo, Links Hacker, Word Processor: Siag, Email: Sylpheed, Picture Viewer: Xzgv, File Manager: emelFM, Window Manager: Flux Box, Text Editor: Nedit, Spreadsheet: Siag, Music: XMMS, mp321, ogg123, nVi (enhanced Vi), tinyIRC, XCalc, Ispell (US-EN), ssh, sshd, Zile (EMACS clone), Xpacman (Pacman game), Sqlite (SQL database).

Dance Dance Tux

Dance Dance Tux is a Knoppix based LiveCD.
Content: pyDance (Dance Dance Revolution), python 2.3, parallel mat drivers
and more than 400 songs.


DaNix is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Czech.
Content: Kernel 2.6, freedos and grub boot items, as many free software as possible. hard disk installer.

Em Knoppix

emKnoppix is a distribution of Knoppix tailored for use in embedded systems.
Homepage: http://emknoppix.sarovar.org/

Feather Linux

Feather Linux is a lightweight, Knoppix based Linux distro which aims to have a wide range of applications that users would use every day on their desktop. Feather Linux can run from a CD or a USB pendrive.
Applications: Kernel 2.4.26, Abiword, siag, Dillo, Firefox, Captive-NTFS, gaim, ethereal, Thunderbird, XMMS and plugins, Imposter, IceWM, wavplay, mpg321, FreeNX, John the Ripper, Tcl, qemu, kismet, abcde, macchanger, screen, paketto, ogg123 and other Ogg Vorbis tools, axyFTP, fireftp, rox-filer, cdrecord, mkisofs, rdesktop, tcpdump, parted, partimage, dsniff, aircrack, madwifi, dnsmasq, foremost, antiword, e2undel, iftop, bbpager, utelnetd, minicom, index, gpart, socat, traceroute, SciTE, prozilla, Midnight Commander, Samba, elmo, tmsnc, apsfilter, gmplayer, mount.app, chntpw, zile, tinycc, nano, Xpaint, Xzgv, Xpdf, naim, hdparm, usbview, index, recoverdm, mtr, cdparanoia, betaftpd, Chipmunk Basic, gqcam, e3, lua, Ruby, cdparanoia, giFTcurs, mtools, emelfm2, vncdec, elhttp, quagga, ettercap, wavemon, iptables, recover, amap, hping2, cabextract, splitvt, pciutils, LinNeighborhood, nmap and nmapfe, portmap and nfs-common, aumix, CTorrent, VNCviewer, sqlite, SSH and SCP, DHCP client, xtdesktop, PPP and PPPoE support, NTFS resize support, an RSS reader, stress, cpuburn, the Monkey webserver, Xcalc, Fluxbox, evilwm, the XBase apps, and the various standard console and system tools.


Flonix USB Edition is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB keys.
Content: Open Office, Mozilla Firefox, Mplayer, media center, cloop, hardware detection.

Freie software knoppix

Freie Knoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Free Software.


GIS Knoppix is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Geographic Information Systems software.


GNIX-Vivo is a Morphix-0.4.1d based Live CD from Galicia, Spain.
Content: KDE-3.2.2, Open Office version 1.1.1 galician, Evolution-1.4,
Browser: Mozilla-1.6, Mozilla-Firefox-0.8, E-mail: Mozilla Thunderbird,
Videoconference: Gnomemeeting-1.0, IM: Kopete, K3b, Mplayer, Xine, games.


Gnome2-Live is a Knoppix based LiveCD with Gnome GUI.


Gnoppix is a Knoppix and Debian based LiveCD with Gnome 2.2 and 2.4.


GnuABIX is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD with Computer science software.
Feature: easy access to free application software.


GRML is a LiveCD based on Knoppix and Debian.
Content: text tools and system administrators.


Guadalinex is a Debian and Knoppix-based distro, with gnome desktop.


Helix is a Knoppix based LiveCD and Rescue CD wtih focus on Incident Response and Forensics.


Hiweed is a Live CD based on Hiweed Desktop, Knoppix and Morphix.
Content: kernel: 2.6.9, lightweight xfce desktop, Poor Man Installer, Chinese character support.

KNOPPEL. Knoppix in Greek Language

A customized Knoppix for supporting, read, write and "speak" Greek language.

  • Homepage: http://knoppel.sourceforge.net/
  • Language: Greek as primary language but support English as well with (lang=en).
  • Current version 0.5 (3 / Jan / 05)
  • Based on knoppix 3.7
  • kernels 2.4.27 and 2.6.9
  • KDE 3.3.1
  • Openoffice 1.1.3 with better integration to KDE.
  • FreeNX 0.2.5 (from Fabian Franz).
  • Firefox and Thunderbird.
  • Support for "klik" (probono).


Jollix is a LiveCD based on Gentoo Linux, and Knoppix technology.
Content: KDE 3.1.1a, games and multimedia (xmms, mplayer, xine).


Julex is a knoppix based LiveCD and Rescue CD distro.
Feature: support for NTFS, lightweight, suitable for older computers.
Julex is designed for getting files back from a dead windows installation.
User can save the recovered files to CD or send it to other computers.
Julex can be used for quick recovery and browse online to get help.


K-DEMar is a Knoppix 3.7 based LiveCD from Spain.
Feature: DivX, aMule, Azureus, mount of HD in readwrite mode, MyPC icon on desktop, Xine, KDE, aMSN, OpenOffice
CADI: python based graphical wizard to configure the system


Kinneret is a Knoppix based distro for Israeli students.

knop ILS

knopILS (KNOPPIX and ILS) is a Knoppix based LiveCD.
Feature: Packages from Free Tree of GNU/Linux. The boot prompt, F2 help prompt, default keyboard, default language: all Italian

Knopnl and Knop Base

Content: icewm desktop, phoenix, abiword, gnumeric, xchat, gaim, gftp, gimp, gedit, sylpheed, (g)mplayer, and synaptic package management, kewl debian-background

Knoppix Japanese Edition

Content: kernel 2.4.21,CLOOP,KDE, Open Office, Wine, Mozilla, GIMP.

Knoppix MIB

Knoppix MIB is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on privacy issues.
Features: encrypts personal files to a USB storage device,
automatically encrypts all data used on a hard drive swap space,
automatic mount of persistent home directory at boot up,
postfix MTA with TLS encryption, preconfigured with provided generic certificates, automatic restoration of optional custom system configuration, without needing to type specific boot parameters.

PC/ Knoppix PPC

KnoppixPPC is a Knoppix based LiveCD from German for PowerPC machines.
Feature: support Apple Macintosh, Pegasos.

  • Homepage: http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/powerPC/
  • Latest version: 2003-07-13_4
  • Size: 507 MB
  • MD5Sum: 988d08c22df54b0175d9a5a7196e4b97
  • Platform: PowerPC.
  • Language: German, English
  • Author: Fabian Franz.

Knopp Myth

Knopp Myth is a Knoppix based LiveCD with MythTV software.
Feature: transform PC into set-top box (record programs, rewind/pause live tv).


Knoppix ES is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Spain (Knoppix en español).


KnoppixPT is a version of Knoppix in Portuguese from Portugal, just from start.

Knoppix KDE

Knoppix KDE is a Knoppix based LiveCD with KDE 3.1 demo.

Knoppi XMAME

KnoppiXMAME is a Knoppix based arcade machine emulator.
Content: X-MAME, and gxmame.


Knoppix USB is a Knoppix based LiveCD bootable from USB keys.


Knorpora is a Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on Corpus-based computational linguistics.


Knopsterisk is Knoppix based LiveCD with Asterisk (open source PBX).
Asterisk: transform regular PC into a phone switch and VoIP gateway.
Feature: auto attendant, voicemail, music on hold, answering machine.


Kurumin is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Brazil.
Content: "Entendendo e Dominando o Linux" ebook.
KDE, Kword, Kontour, Acrobat Reader, Konqueror, X-CD-Roast,
GFTP, xIRC, Bluefish, XMMS, Mplayer, Phoenix.


LAMPPIX is a KNOPPIX based Live CD with XAMPP web server.
User can burn PHP based web projects into a CD.

Linux Live Game Project (LLGP)

LLGP is a Knoppix based distro with various games.
It contains deep changes in Knoppix startup scripts. It's completely based on hotplug and udev; kudzu was removed.
Features: KDE 3.3 with Plastik theme and Nuvola icons, kernel 2.6.10, Nvidia drivers, TORCS, Wesnoth, SuperTux, TuxRacer and much more!

Linux Magazine mini CD 1.0 and 2.0

Customized KNOPPIX bundled with Linux Magazine (from Edizioni Master).
Version 1.0: (number 35 - November 2003):
KDE 3.1.3, Mozilla Firebird 0.6, The GIMP 1.3.19, Abiword 1.99.5,
Gnumeric 1.1.9, Scribus 1.0, MySQL, MySQLcc, Gaim, KMail,
Konqueror, gFTP, K3B, MPlayer and KPlayer, Sodipodi.
Version 2.0: (number 38 - February 2004):
additional software: GNOME 2.4, Mozilla 1.6, Evolution 1.4, Totem 0.99.8.


Linux-Sehat is a Knoppix 3.3 based LiveCD distro from Indonesia .

Live Plone

Live Plone is a Knoppix based LiveCD with Plone Content Management System.
[[TxOutcome [Live Plone] is based on methodology developed through the [Live OIO]].Org]. Feature: a nice user-interface, submit-approve-publish workflow, and multiple document types ( News, Image, Discussion).
Content: Plone, OIO, Zope, PostgreSQL, PsycopgDA database adaptor, ParsedXML, and Calendar Tag.


Live Zope is a Knoppix based LiveCD with ZOPE web application server.
Content: Zope-2.6.2b5, Python, Transactional object database. CAS, 3D
Database feature: store content, custom data, dynamic HTML templates, scripts, a search engine, and Relational Database connections, code, and import/export (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Gadfly). 3D packages: Blender, VPython.
CAS: Octave, Maxima, R, gnuplot, QCL, graphviz, GCL, rlab
Scientific document editor: Te Xmacs that can easily make technique documents with embedding output from CAS (various output format, postscript, pdf, html).


The LNX-BBC is a mini Linux Rescue CD and LiveCD.
Feature: rescue, intrusion post-mortems, temporary workstation.

Luit Linux

Luit Linux is a Knoppix based LiveCD. Content: XFCE4, Abiword, ROX.


Bootable Mandrake(!) Mini-CD that uses Knoppix technology in part


Mediain Linux is a Multimedia LiveCD based on Knoppix and Debian.
Content: audio, graphics and video software (from unstable Debian Tree):
Noia icons, 3D gcombust, xcdroast, k3b, gtoaster, cdrtoaster, eroaster, arson, cdbakeoven, RipperX, Muse, Rosegarden e Rosegarden4, Timidity e Brahms, Audacity, Rezound, Gnoise, Glame, Ecawave, Xmms, Freebirth, Spyralsinthmodular, TerminatorX, Iuwsynth, Blender, Moonlight3D, Vertex, Panorama, Wings3D, KPovmodeler, Povray, Aqsis, Xine, Mplayer, Aviplayer, Noautun, Ogle, Xmovie, Totem, FreeJ, Kino, Cinerlerra, Xawtv, Xanim, Mpegtv, Vlc, Vls, Dia, Baby Gimp, Impress, Magic Point, Kpresenter, Qcad, Sodipodi, Xpaint, Xfig, Sketch, Kontour, Scribus, Pixie Plus, Electric Eyes, Aview, Impress, Endeavour2, Kuickshow, Gthumb, Grace, Celestia, Stellarium, Atari, BasiliskII, Apple2, Bochs.


Mediainlinux is a Multimedia LiveCD, based on Knoppix 3.3.
Just received some specs about Rarewares .debs and waiting for Marillat one's for legal reasons.


Media PackKnoppix is a Multimedia LiveCD based on Knoppix.
Content: Multimedia editing, playback.


Mepis is a LiveCD set (2 CD), based on Knoppix.
Feature: automatic hard disk installer.

Micro Knoppix

Micro Knoppix (Model K) is a Knoppix based mini LiveCD.

Mini Knoppix

Mini Knoppix 2.0 (Knoppix Lite) is a Knopix 3.3 based LiveCD and Rescue CD.

Miolux Linux

Miolux is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Brazil.


Morphix is a Knoppix based Modular LiveCD distro.
Morphix can be modified using CD-RW Multisession.
Content: Boot-selection, GTK-based installer


Morphix-BareFreevo is a Morphix based LiveCD with Freevo Home Entertainment system.
Content: Freevo, see: http://freevo.sourceforge.net/


Morphix-NLP is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on Natural Language Processing.
Content: collection of natural language processing applications.


NIOde is a Knoppix based LiveCD for the Dutch Olympiad Of Informatics.
See: <http://www.informaticaolympiade.nl/>.
Feature: Without compression or big desktop environment.


NMM-Oppix is a KNOPPIX-based Live-CD and includes the Network-Integrated Multimedia Middleware (NMM) binaries developed by the Computer Graphic Labs of the University of Saarland.


Nordisk is a Knoppix based LiveCD for Nordic users.

Open Groupware Knoppix

Open Groupware Knoppix is a LiveCD based on Knoppix 3.2.
Content: [Open Groupware] (formerly known as [Skyrix]).

OMSA Knoppix

OMSA Knoppix is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD with Dell Open Manage.
Content: Dell's Open Manage, KDE, recovery tools.


Oralux is a LiveCD that enable acess to Linux for the vision impaired users.
Content: free Text-To-Speech softwares: Flite (English), EFM (English, French), DECtalk (English, French, German or Spanish)

OSS Watch Knoppix

OSS Watch Knoppix is a liveCD based on Knoppix 3.6.
Content: Apache, PHP, Tomcat, PostgreSQL, live Moodle, Bodington VLE,
XML writer and delivery tools. See http://www.tei-c.org


Overclockix is a Knoppix 3.4 (Cebit) based LiveCD.
Content: Packages available for the SID (unstable) branch of Debian.
Captive-NTFS (write support), install on demand scripts, XFCE, Gnome 2.4,
Kernel: 2.4.23-xfs and 2.6.1 (selectable at boot), KDE 3.2.2 with noia icons,
Fluxbox, Icewm, Enlightenment, Gimp 2.0, ml-donkey, BT, mplayer, karamba,
mozilla-firefox and thunderbird, stress-testers and DC clients, stylish desktop.
OverclockixLTSP: a Knoppix 3.3 LiveCD with folding@home script, and modified LTSP.
You do have to use persistent home or hdd-install in order to fold@home with PXE-booted clients. This is a technical issue involving the dynamic ramdisk which prevents NFS or Samba from being able to mount the live CD filesystem unless there is a permanent, fixed-size medium for data. I did not include instructions but it is very simple. I suggest checking out the Overclockix Support Forum where I'll be happy to help you get started.


PHLAK is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on security.
Function: security analysis, penetration testing, forensics, and security auditing.
Content: fluxbox, XFCE4, printing, publishing, multimedia, security tools,
Security related documentations.

Pilot Linux

Pilot Linux is a Morphix based terminal client LiveCD.
Pilot Linux transforms a PC into a Thin Client PC.
Feature: user can link to a terminal server or enter the server address manually.
Supported protocols: MS-Terminal Servers (RDP-5), VNC and X.
Supported protocols (in the future): Citrix-ICA, NX.


Quantian is a Cluster Knoppix based LiveCD with focus on quantitative, numerical, scientific applications.
Content: openMosix, R (CRAN packages), Octave (incl. add-on packages),
Gambit,Gap, GiNaC, GMT, Grace, Gri, GSL, Kile, Latex, Lyx, Maxima, OpenDX, Pari, PDL, PSPP, Quantlib, Texmacs, Xlisp-stat, Yacas, and Yorick.

Robotics Knoppix

Compilation of some of the more popular robotics software and simulators.
Content: Player, Stage, Gazebo, Pyro Robotics, and Khepera simulator.
Control system in Python for programming simulated robots, (incl. Open GL).

ro CA

roCA is an X.509 certification authority on a Knoppix 3.7.
The keys of the CA and the certificates are kept on USB memory (AES encrypted), so the keys are always secure.
roCA uses Tiny CA as frontend to OpenSSL.


ROSLIMS (Romanian Simple Linux for Medical Students) is a Knoppix 3.4 based LiveCD with focus on Medical software for students.
Content: Medical Reference: Pybliographer, Medline Query Interface,
molecule editors:XDrawChem,Chem Tool, Abi Word (text editor),
truetype fonts with Eastern European character support, (KDE 3.2.2)
72 pages tutorial in Romanian Language.


Based on the Skolelinux project.


Slix is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Slovenia Content: productivity applications: Open Office, browser.


Emphasis on education, entertainment, and multimedia. Many games included.

SQL-Ledger Knoppix

SQL-Ledger Knoppix is a liveCD based on Knoppix 3.2.
Content: Accounting software SQL-Ledger (http://www.sql-ledger.org).

STUX 0.7

Knoppix LiveCD based on Slackware 9.1


TiNA Knoppix

TiNA Knoppix is a Knoppix based live CD designed for machine vision and image analysis researchers.
Features: the University of Manchester's TiNA open-source machine vision libraries and archive of our published papers and in-house memos on machine vision, medical images analysis and statistics, together with some related software (e.g. ddd, gnuplot, xgobi, maxima).


TLF-Morphix is a Morphix based LiveCD with focus on Ham Radio.
Feature: a combination of LiveCD, TLF, and USB Keys / pendisk.
See: TLF.
Content: TLF-0.9.13, cwdaemon-0.8, KDE 3.1, ax25-apps0.0.6-4, ax25-tools0.0.8-4.1, ftpd0.17-16, netcat1.10-23, tcpdump3.7.2-2, xconvers0.8.2, xdx, xconvers, hamlib11.1.4, libax250.0.11-2, driver for wireless cards (802.11b).


Based on Knoppix 3.3. with some added files, a LAMP server, and modifiable form templates for dentists. By loading a MySQL database into RAM it allows users to enter data. The input patient details can then be saved to, and restored from, USB sticks or floppy disks by clicking desktop icons. United Kingdom based distro.

  • Latest Version: 0412
  • Introduction and Screenshots


You might find the following commands useful as well to burn the cd to a 700Mb disc under Linux:
cdrecord -scanbus
cdrecord -overburn dev=0,0,0 toophpix0412.iso
the three numbers (0,0,0) are those returned from the scanbus command.

  • Language: English
  • Author: Mark Preston

Tr X

Content: KDE 3.1.1, router and firewall.
Configuration data stored on a floppy disk, hard disk, or USB keys.

Vigyaan CD

VigyaanCD is suitable for bioinformatics, computational biology and computational chemistry.
Artemis, Bioperl, BLAST (NCBI-tools), ClustalX, Cn3D, EMBOSS tools, Garlic,
GROMACS, Ghemical, GNU R, Gnuplot, GIMP, Image Magick, JMol, MPQC,
NJPlot, Open Babel, Octave, PSI3, PyMOL, Rasmol, Raster3D, SMILE,
TINKER, XDrawChem, Xmgr, Xfig and GNU C/C++/Fortran compilers.
Genomes from Eschercia coli (K 12) and Synechococcus sp. WH 8102.
12 demos and tutorials for beginners.

Wendyx Linux

Wendyx is a Knoppix based LiveCD from Chile.
Content: Only one applications for type
Customizacion de Knoppix Chilena en español hecha por Enrique Herrera Noya. Basada en Knoppix-es, orientada a estaciones de trabajo.


White Hat Knoppix (WHoppix) is a Knoppix 3.6 based LiveCD with focus on security penetration testing.


X-evian is a Debian and Knoppix based Live-CD.
Feature: automatic hard disk installer.


Xfld is a Knoppix based LiveCD with Xfce desktop environment.

yalst LiveSupportTool

yalst LiveSupportTool live demo CD based on Knoppix 3.6
Browser based live support solution to chat with website visitors, monitor traffic, track users and many more features. This CD starts Apache and MySQL at boot time and launches the Mozilla browser with a local website where you can test this live support software from the visitor and the operators side.


Ylive is a livecd of Yoper. Yoper is a high performance operating system.

WISHLIST for Knoppix Customisations

You can enter your fancy ideas into this Wish List