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=== HOWTO copy the Knoppix file to harddisk and Boot it. ===
{{delete|out of date}} [[User:Werner P. Schulz|Werner P. Schulz]] 02:19, 4 January 2013 (MST)
The option of running Knoppix from a copy of the compressed file system has been around for years.  Numerous contributors have suggested numerous methods for accomplishing this, and it is frequently called a "poor man's" install.  Despite the pejorative nature of this name, it can be extremely powerful in its function.
Recently, Knoppix has undergone some changes, and some of the older methods for accomplishing this are outdated and no longer work with newer versions of Knoppix.  On the other hand, some of the newer methods do not work with older versions, so the older methods need to remain as a resource for those using older versions of Knoppix.  Be aware of this, and choose an installation method adapted to the version you are using.
Listed below are some other viable methods of running Knoppix from a HD copy of the CD filesystem.  Some are for previous versions of Knoppix, some use bootloaders, and some rely on the creation of bootable devices, and some appear to be scrambled remnants left over from previous versions of the WIKI.  Use whatever works best for you, and I hope that the previous authors will edit their own contributions and forgive me for not sorting out what has become a jumble of alternative methods.(JD)
See also: [[Pivot Root Install]] (HD install to a non-bootable partition) and [[Poor Mans Install]] (copy the CD contents to the hard drive to free up your CD drive).
Q: how can i make my whole (not only 700mb) harddrive as compressed system? and the system is also writeable. (just like the old days' doublespace/stacker)
See '''[[Knoppix Hard Disk Script]]s'''.
With this installation method you copy the file containing the '''compressed Knoppix filesystem''' from the CD or ISO to your HD, and then set it up to boot in some way.
==== Pros: ====
* The CDROM drive can be used for other things
* It can be done without repartitioning (on FAT16/32 and Linux partitions)
* It only uses ~700MB, compared to 2.3GB for the real installation
Knoppix will run as if it were from a physical CD, so you cannot install anything, unless you do a 'normal' install. Everytime you boot, the hardware will recognised new, so you can use this harddisk ''like'' a CD and plug it into new PCs. This is handy for preinstalling Knoppix on PCs/Laptops without CD-ROM.
This is different from [[[Hd BasedHowTo [Faq Install]], in the way that [[Faq Install]] describes how to install Knoppix so it will run on a (single) PC like a normal GNU/Linux installation. If you want to install software, you should consider a [real harddisk install]]].
'''Note:''' The compressed filesystem is NOT the ISO(!), it is a 700MB '''file named KNOPPIX''' within the ISO.
__Please ask a friend, experienced with GNU/LINUX,<br>
or use KNOPPIX only from CD-ROM__
__Backups, Learning/Reading and talking with friends are<br>
always good ideas before trying new things.<br>
Like KNOPPIX itself, these ideas are to use on your own risk.__
(Is this really necesary you can do this easily without hurting the system)
Okay, now you have read the warnings we can proceed with the real thing :-)
== To run Knoppix from HD as it were from CD you can choose to: ==
'''1.1.''' Run Knoppix, copy it to HD & make the hd-copy bootable with a '''bootfloppy'''<br>
'''1.2.''' Run Knoppix, copy it to HD & make the hd-copy bootable with '''LILO on HD'''<br>
'''1.3.''' Run GNU/Linux, copy Knoppix to HD and '''configure LILO'''<br>
'''1.4.''' Run Microsoft Windows, copy Knoppix to HD & make it bootable with a '''bootfloppy'''<br>
'''1.5.''' Run Microsoft Windows, copy Knoppix to HD & boot with loadlin<br>
'''2.''' Boot the Knoppix '''ISO''' directly<br>
'''3.''' Boot with '''[Faq PXE PXE]''' via network<br>
'''4.''' Boot from smartdisk, usb-stick, ROM....<br>
: ------        ------      ------        ------
NOTE ::: Many of these methods refer to versions of Knoppix Prior to 3.4 .... If you'd like a simple , safe and well-tested 'Poor-man's' install for 3.4 (_1.5. above ) go here ...
: ------        ------      ------        ------
=== 1.1. Run Knoppix, copy it to HD & make the hd-copy bootable with ''bootfloppy'' ===
I believe this has been deprecated by the [[Cheat Code]] tohd, which copies the 700MB iso to the ext/FAT partition of your choice.  Create a Knoppix boot floppy or boot from the CD and use fromhd to boot from the HD (then eject the floppy/CD).  I just tested this and it works, but please delete this entry if I'm full of it :-)
- Boot from a Knoppix CD (whatever version you already have).
- Create a linux partition (see [[Partition Managers]]) large enough to hold at least 2 ISO images (at least 1.5GB). Let's call this ''/dev/hdXX''.
- Format this linux partition as an ext2 or ext3 filesystem.
'''mkfs -t ext2 /dev/hd''XX'''''
- Mount this linux partition
'''mkdir -p /mnt/staging && mount /dev/hd''XX'' /mnt/staging'''
- Download a new Knoppix ISO image and md5 checksum (whatever version you want to test) into /mnt/staging. Let's call it ''Knoppix-new.iso''
- Use md5sum to check whether the ISO image is fine.
'''md5sum -c ''Knoppix-new.iso''.md5'''
- Mount this ISO image using loopback
__mkdir -p /mnt/newknoppix<br>
mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro /mnt/staging/''Knoppix-new.iso'' /mnt/newknoppix__
- Copy the contents of the ISO to /mnt/staging
'''cd /mnt/newknoppix<br>cp -a * /mnt/staging'''
- Create a boot floppy using the boot.img from the downloaded Knoppix-new.iso
'''dd if=/mnt/newknoppix/KNOPPIX/boot.img of=/dev/fd0'''
Assuming everything went fine so far, we are ready to boot from the
floppy. There should be no other filesystem on the machine with a valid
KNOPPIX directory that come earlier in the search order.
- Make sure to sync and unmount all filesystems mounted rw.
umount /mnt/newknoppix/__
umount /mnt/staging/__
- Reboot leaving the floppy in the drive.
'''shutdown -r now'''
- Make sure the BIOS boots from the floppy drive.
As it boots the KNOPPIX directory should be discovered and booted into a full fledged Knoppix system as though running from CD. If it fails you will be thrown into a small recovery shell. If this happens, revisit the earlier steps, read the man pages for all the commands, fix any errors, come back and update this procedure.
I hope this is useful to you.
Comment: If the above doesn't work, perhaps you need to make a directory KNOPPIX on you partition and then copy the file also called KNOPPIX (which is about 690MB) into this directory. This worked for me with Knoppix 3.2
=== 1.2. Run Knoppix, copy it to HD & make the hd-copy bootable with ''LILO on HD'' ===
=== 1.2.1. Knoppix 3.4 version only ===
''(rd) Because I couldn't find the info anywhere, I tried myself and succeeded in making a dual boot win98/knoppix3.4 with lilo and a persistent homedir. Here are the steps I took:''
==== Procdure: ====
* Partition the harddisk to make room for knoppix:
** ext2 partition /dev/hda6 used to boot the kernel with lilo (10 Meg)
** ext2 partition /dev/hda7 for the knoppix image (I used 1000 Meg, but 800 Meg should be enough)
** swap partition /dev/hda8 (I used 256 Meg, but depends on your physical RAM)
** ext2 partition /dev/hda9 for the persistent home (any value you can spare)
* Boot the knoppix cd with the cheatcode "tohd=/dev/hda7". This will copy the knoppix image to disk.
* Reboot the knoppix cd with the cheatcode "fromhd=/dev/hda7" and check if it runs without the cd.
* Make the persistent homedir via the knoppix menu (penguin icon->configuration->make persistent dir).
* Do not save your KNOPPIX configuration via the menu, all changes to the environment will be saved automatically because of the persistent home.
* Copy the files from /boot to /mnt/hda6. Also copy the file "/mnt/cdrom/boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz" from the cd to /mnt/hda6.
* Copy /etc/lilo.conf to /mnt/hda6 and make the following boot entries (do not forget to uncomment the line with "prompt", or else the lilo boot menu will not appear):
: image=/mnt/hda6/vmlinuz
: initrd=/mnt/hda6/minirt24.gz
: append="fromhd=/dev/hda7 home=/dev/hda9 apm=power-off lang=nl \
: hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi \
: hdg=scsi hdh=scsi"
: root=/dev/hda7
: label=Knoppix
: read-write
: other=/dev/hda1
: label=Windows98
* Mount the /mnt/hda6 partition temporary as /boot so lilo writes its map-file to the right place (sudo mount /dev/hda6 /boot)
* Let lilo write the boot loader to the master boot record (sudo lilo -C /mnt/hda6/lilo.conf)
* Remove the knoppix cd-rom and reboot. Now lilo will show you the menu and you can choose between win98 and knoppix.
* That's it. Enjoy.
=== 1.2.2. Knoppix <= 3.3 version ===
'''Note:''' ''the short and detailed version seem to be different''... uhm?
''(rhk) I'm trying to do this, without success so far.  I'll put some notes (in italics) at the place(s) where I have questions (maybe only one place at first.  For information, I am trying to install Knoppix 3.1.''
LILO can't boot ISO files, so it is neccessary to copy the Knoppix ISO content to hd. Also copy the content of boot.image to /boot. Because the Knoppix-boot-skript is not used, read about the [[Cheat Codes]] and add the one you need to your lilo.conf under append="..."
To learn more about Lilo, read the [[http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/mini/LILO.html LILO-mini-HOWTO].]
==== In short: ====
- Boot Knoppix by CD-ROM
- You need a partition with >700 MB free space (vfat, ext2 or ext3) in this example ''/dev/hda3''
- Open a root-shell ('''sudo bash''')
__mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3<br>
cp -R /dev/cdrom /mnt/hda3<br>__
''(rhk) When I run the above command, the only thing that is copied/created in /mnt/hda3 is a 9 byte link to /dev/scd0.  This is not what I expected -- I thought the entire ISO or something should be copied?  Maybe the entire 730 MB file /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX?  I may try some experimenting -- I may try cp /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX /mnt/hda3 and dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/hda3/<something>, but I don't feel very comfortable here because I'm shooting in the dark.  What do I need to put on /mnt/hda3, and where/what filename should it have?  Hmm, maybe I need cp -R /cdrom /mnt/hda3?''
''(answer by adrian15<beatlesnap@go.to>)Do not do an dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/hda3 I think it won't work because you're doing a raw copy. I think cp command should be:
cp -R /mnt/cdrom /mnt/hda3 and a line before it should be mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom . (Or maybe you should mount it with "shortcuts" you will find in kde desktop) Just hope I've helped but be careful I am not a linux expert, so I cannot assure you that everything I wrote is fine.''
''(answer by ctm) If the CD ROM is already mount to /cdrom/,  try cp -R /cdrom/ /mnt/hda3''
__mkdir /mnt/floppy-loop<br>
mkdir /mnt/hda3/boot/<br>
cp /boot/System.map /mnt/hda3/boot/<br>
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/boot-en.img  /mnt/floppy-loop -o loop -t vfat<br>
cp /mnt/floppy-loop/* /mnt/hda3/boot<br>
cp /etc/lilo.conf /mnt/hda3/boot<br>
vi /mnt/hda3/boot/lilo.conf<br>
ln -sf /mnt/hda3/boot/ /<br>
lilo -C /mnt/hda3/boot/lilo.conf''' (or '''lilo -C /boot/lilo.conf__)
- Reboot without CD-ROM
Sorry people. Distro 3.4 has a different folders' structure, e.g. I couldn't locate the boot-en.img (I assume you mean /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX). Anyway
I had problems with this instruction
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/boot-en.img /mnt/floppy-loop -o loop -t vfat
It says:
"/dev/loop0 damaged or fs not supported" ... really really strange. Could someone please update the info on this page? I mean info to copy knop image on hd and boot it by means of lilo?
Thanks a lot!
==== With comments, step by step: ====
- Boot Knoppix from CD-ROM
- You need a partition with >700 MB free space (vfat, ext2 or ext3) for example ''/dev/hda3'', but choose a partition you like. This partition must not contain these files and directories on root-level: autorun.bat, ''boot'', ''index.html'', knoppix.ico, Talks, autorun.inf, Demos, ''KNOPPIX''. To be on save side, use an one empty partiton ;)
__mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3<br>
cp -R /dev/cdrom /mnt/hda3<br>
mkdir /mnt/floppy-loop<br>
mount /cdrom/KNOPPIX/boot-en.img /mnt/floppy-loop -o loop -t vfat<br>__
- The directory /mnt/floppy will used as mountpoint, "-o loop" allows to mount a file as device.
__mkdir /mnt/hda3/boot/<br>
cp /mnt/floppy-loop/* /mnt/hda3/boot<br>__
- There are only 2 files needed "miniroot.gz" & "vmlinuz"
'''cp /etc/lilo.conf /mnt/hda3/boot<br>'''
- To configure lilo is lilo.conf needed. Take /etc/lilo.conf as example.
'''vi /mnt/hda3/boot/lilo.conf'''<br><br># /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)'<br>
boot=/dev/hda #This hd will use lilo to write into the MBR<br>
delay=200 #Time in ms to chooce the lilo-menue<br>
timeout=200 #Time in ms to choose with lilo-menue<br>
vga=0 #You can choose other modis here<br>
default=Knoppix #The default boot-profile<br><br>#Start of boot-profile 1
image=/boot/KNOPPIX-3.1-DE/vmlinuz # The kernel<br>
append="lang=de ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init apm=power-off \
hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi \
vga=791 initrd=KNOPPIX-3.10-DE/miniroot.gz nomce quiet \
BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix" #add initrd path to miniroot.gz<br>
''(rhk) I changed my append line to look like the above, but I get a bunch of errors when I try to run lilo, including things like KNOPPIX-3.1 not found.  Maybe the errors are all due to the problem with the cp -R command, but I probably need some more explanation of what needs to be changed in lilo.conf.''
label="Knoppix"# label of your profil<br>
root=/dev/hda3 # partiton where lilo can found the directory /boot<br>
- LILO has to write to /boot/map. Because the CD-ROM is read-only this will fail. Link the new /mnt/hda3/boot/ directory over /boot. But be aware to use full pathnames and use only "/" as linkname.
__ln -sf /mnt/hda3/boot/ /<br>
lilo -C /mnt/hda3/boot/lilo.conf__
LILO should say what's added. If you have an error here, check the
steps before. (alternative you can use '''lilo -C /boot/lilo.conf''')
- Reboot without CD-ROM
=== Two things we still need to solve: ===
- read/write access to the partition we are booting knoppix from
- save Knoppix.config on the HD and boot with it
''(rhk) Below, Henk Poley  asks if this German section is still required -- I think it is, although English would be better.  I'm not sure I understand the questions -- do we want read/write access to the partition we are booting knoppix from?  Is that in order to store data files and install other programs?  I haven't read all the other FAQs yet, but it seems there are FAQs on putting your /home directory on the hard drive, and booting with something like Knoppix.sh for "persistent options" -- maybe those solve the problems?''
Ideas how to do this:
; probono am 10.02.2003 : Ich habe den Ordner KNOPPIX mit dem 700 MB File knoppix auf eine
ext3-Partition (bei mir hda2) kopiert und ein bereits vorhandenes LILO
so konfiguriert, dass Knoppix von HD gebootet wird.
Desweiteren habe ich in meiner knoppix.sh stehen:<br>
'''mount /dev/hda2 /cdrom -o remount,rw'''
Jetzt habe ich von Knoppix heraus auch Schreibzugriff auf die ext3-Partition!
Idee: Ich hatte zufaellig schon eine bestehende LILO-Installation.
Koennte man aber nicht auf diese Weise Knoppix "from scratch" auf eine
leere HD aufspielen: 1. ext3 formatieren 2. Knoppix komprimiert
draufkopieren 3. LILO von Knoppix aus einrichten 4. remount,rw in die
knoppix.sh schreiben 5. /home/knoppix abaendern, so dass es auf
die HD zeigt ---> fertig! Was denkt ihr?
pr0ct0man 10.02.2003
Klingt eigentlich recht logisch, probono...
Let's try it !
Ich probier jetzt erstmal dein ''mount /dev/hda5/cdrom -o remount,rw'' in der knoppix.sh
Wo hast Du das eingetragen ? Meine sieht wie folgt aus:<br><br>#!/bin/sh<br>
[[[ "`id -u`" = "0" ]]] || { echo "You need root privileges to modify the system!" >&2 ; exit 1; }<br>
[[[ -d "$1" ]]] && CONFIGS="$1/configs.tbz"<br>
[[[ -f "$CONFIGS" ]]] || CONFIGS="/cdrom/KNOPPIX/configs.tbz"<br>
[[[ -f "$CONFIGS" ]]] || CONFIGS="/mnt/floppy/configs.tbz"<br>
if [[[ -f "$CONFIGS" ]]]; then<br>
echo " [1mExtracting config archive $CONFIGS... [0m"<br>
tar -jpPtf "$CONFIGS" | while read i; do rm -f "$i"; done<br>
tar -jpPxf "$CONFIGS" ; chown -R knoppix.knoppix /home/knoppix<br>
Grüsse, pr0ct0man
''Nirro, 19/2/04 :''
''Anyone can translate that to english please ?<br>
I'm facing the same problem - I can't mount /dev/hda1 after booting
knoppix from this partition.''<br>
''by the way I succeded to do something new and cool, I think, using
the topologilinux grub bootloader, details - soon.''<br>
''Update - I added to knoppix.sh the line : '''mount -o remount,rw /cdrom'''''<br>
''Now I can mount hda1, but only root have a write permission to it. any solutions ?''
Alternatively, you can boot Knoppix into a partition other than the default. This is very useful if you want to test your Knoppix hack and don't have a floppy (!!). It worked for me:
1) boot your Knoppix from cd-rom;
2) as root, mount a partition, i.e. /dev/hda3 under /mnt/hda3;
''[[knoppix]]$ sudo su; mount -o rw /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3''
3) cp -Rp /KNOPPIX /mnt/hda3;
4) logout and reboot normally;
5) mount /dev/hda3 under /mnt/hda3;
'' is 4) & 5) really needed??? ''
6) cp /mnt/hda3/KNOPPIX/boot /mnt/hda3;
7)cd /mnt/hda3; mkdir home; cd home; mkdir knoppix; chown knoppix.knoppix knoppix;
8) make a symbolic link for every dir from /mnt/hda3/KNOPPIX to /mnt/hda3 except home, i.e. ln -s KNOPPIX/etc .
9) copy the vmlinuz file into your /boot;
'' you should already have a vmlinuz in your /boot after step 6)
...?? I linked boot/vmlinuz to / with -
[[/mnt/hda3]]# ln -s boot/vmlinuz .
This seemed to work.''
10) modify your liloc.conf in order to boot from hda3, I suggest :
'' I had to chroot in to the new environment in order to run lilo after editing /mnt/hda3/etc/lilo.conf -
[[knoppix]]$ sudo su; chroot /mnt/hda3; mount -o proc /proc proc ''
11) run lilo .v
'' What is .v all about??  As root in chroot, try -
# lilo -C /etc/lilo.conf''
12) reboot!!!
As a side effect, you have a persistent home for user knoopix in order to configure your environment and put the confs into /etc/skel ;-)
hope this help, every questions to maX (coccolesto@inwind.it)
=== 1.3. Run GNU/Linux, copy Knoppix to HD and ''configure lilo'' ===
==== Follow the steps outlined in 1.1<br> ====
! Ones succeeded:<br>
Boot your original GNU/Linux, mount a bootable Knoppix floppy,
created in the paragraph 1.1:<br>
# mount /floppy<br>
Then create a KNOPPIX directory and copy a knoppix floppy image over there:
# mkdir /boot/KNOPPIX3.2<br>
# cp /floppy/* /boot/KNOPPIX3.2/<br>
Add the following to the /etc/lilo.conf:<br>
: image=/boot/KNOPPIX3.2/vmlinuz
: append="ramdisk_size=100000\
: init=/etc/init initrd=KNOPPIX3.2/miniroot.gz ''_BOOT''IMAGE=knoppix"
: root=/dev/hda3
: read-only
: initrd=/boot/KNOPPIX3.2/miniroot.gz
: label="knoppix"
Run "lilo" and reboot.
=== 1.4. Run Microsoft Windows, copy Knoppix to HD & make it bootable with ''bootmedia'' ===
Also called "poormans install" ;-)
NOTE: The partition (i.e. drive) that you are copying to (the D partition in the example below) must be a fat32 partition. If it is NTFS, the install will not boot.
- Copy the ''CD'':\KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX file to ''HD'':\KNOPPIX\
__E:\KNOPPIX\>mkdir D:\KNOPPIX<br>
1 files(s) copied__
- Make the bootfloppy. Start "mkfloppy.bat" on the CD in the KNOPPIX folder.
- Boot from the floppy or the USB keydrive ([http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/keydrive).] You need a BIOS ([http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS] ) that can boot from Floppy (all) or from keydrive (USB-ZIP option). It should scan for the KNOPPIX file and find it on the harddisk.
- Enjoy
=== 1.5 Run Microsoft Windows 98 or 95, copy Knoppix to HD & boot with loadlin ===
# Open ISO with [tools [[[Win Image]]]] Extract extract the directory ''ISO:''\KNOPPIX\ to C:\ (The C:\KNOPPIX\KNOPPIX file should be ~700MB)
# Open the C:\KNOPPIX\boot.img with [tools [[Win Image]]] and extract ''vmlinuz'' and ''miniroot.img'' to C:\KNOPPIX\Loadlin (you will need to create this directory)
# Download [tools loadling 1.6c] or later to C:\KNOPPIX}\Loadlin\ (remmember to extract it)
# now reboot to DOS, you can do this by pressing F8 while rebooting the computer.
# Change directory to the loadlin dir: "CD KNOPPIX\loadlin"
# Execute loadlin "loadlin.exe vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 lang=en ro"
Now Knoppix should boot..
=== 1.5.1 Loadlin with Win9x/Dos ===
This page need organizing and some translation cleanup.
There is another possibility for people who don't have a floppy or CD-ROM drive, don't want to or can't mess with lilo, and only have dos or win95/98 with the knoppix iso extracted on to any hard drive partion. [[ftp://elserv.ffm.fgan.de/pub/linux/loadlin-1.6/update-1.6c/ Loadlin]] (be sure you have 1.6c!! 1.6 has lots of issues with many recent kernels). It is a simple program to load the linux kernel into memory.  It's sort of mentioned above:
Extract loadlin.exe from that zip and extract the kernel from the KNOPPIX/boot.img file with software like [[http://www.winimage.com/winima61.exe [[Win Image]] (download installer)]] then move both the miniroot.gz and vmlinuz files into for instance c:/img. Boot to dos.
C:> cd img<br>
C:> loadlin.exe vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 initrd=miniroot.gz lang=en ro<br>
And with any luck Knoppix will load fine, like normal.
=== [[Load Lin]] in spanish ===
Loadlin.exe vmlinuz initrd=miniroot.gz lang=es ro
**I've tried this loadlin option and it almost worked. Knoppix booted but when it got to start the Xfree graphical desktop it said something like that it can not find a module for my graphic card. Booting from the CD works fine.
**It is possible to simplify the method 1.3, to avoid using a floppy.
'''*'''Here is how I did it :
'''*'''instead of creating a floppy with dd and then to copy its content, just mount the boot.img file :
'''*'''*mkdir mnt2 /boot/KNOPPIX3.2
'''*'''*mount /mnt/newknoppix/KNOPPIX/boot.img mnt2 -o loop
'''*''''''cp mnt2/''' /boot/KNOPPIX3.2/
'''*'''[[Yann Cochard]]
=== 2. Boot the Knoppix ''ISO'' directly ===
There really is no working solution to do this, this is just some ideas that some kind soul could improve. To do this you would need to do this:
* Copy iso to a partion
* Copy the boot.img from the ISO
* Change the boot.img to mount the iso with loop and then continue with the ordinary boot up script.
* Make the boot.img boot (in some of the ways described above)
==== another description ====
Create a mini boot image and mount the ISO at /mnt2/Knoppix.iso/ then mount the appropriate filesystem image from inside the ISO and mount or link the dirs inside. I guess doing a chroot (replace / ) will foobar things, that's why I try to mount the ISO at /mnt2/...
=== 3. Boot with ''PXE'' via network ===
This is not by the PCs own HD ;), but see: [[Faq PXE]]
Would be nice to boot via TCP/IP and get the ISO from FTP-server.<br>
Only for installing, '''not''' for daily use - please mirror Knoppix localy!
=== 4. Boot from smartdisk, usb-stick, ROM... ===
Please write about your experiences to boot from your MP3-Player, or what ever...
See [[http://rz-obrian.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de/knoppix-usb/ Boot KNOPPIX from an USB Memory Stick]] by Matthias Müller
<br>For booting the USB stick it uses [[http://www.8ung.at/spblinux/ spblinux]]
=== Questions ===
==== Q:Does this work with any file system or does it need FAT? ====
A: Yes, it will work on any filesystem supported by the Knoppix build of the Linux kernel. Which means about all filesystem types you'll ever find on a IDE or SCSI harddisk.
== Feedback ==
If you have questions, comments, ideas about this wiki-page, and you don't want to write it directly in this page, please write it here as feedback:
=== Bad link. ===
At the beginning of this page where it says "If you want to install software, you should consider a real harddisk install", the link "real harddisk install" doesn't get you anywhere, it just points to this page that we're already reading.
==== Variations: ====
- Use the persistent home scripts to keep your settings. It should be possible to copy the script to ''HD'':\KNOPPIX\knoppix.sh  (untested)
;By Henk Poley : Is the german discussion still needed on this page? Is it solved?
=== 5. Another method. ===
We can totally avoid looking at contents of boot.img and get the same affect as booting from Knoppix CD using <a href="[http://syslinux.zytor.com/">memdisk</a>.]  This what I did starting with KNOPPIX iso file:
mount KNOPPIX.iso /mnt/tmp -o loop <br>
mkdir /KNOPPIX<br>
cp -R /mnt/tmp/KNOPPIX/* /KNOPPIX<br>
Edit lilo.conf to boot boot.img in KNOPPIX directory:
: label=knoppix<br>
: initrd=/KNOPPIX/boot.img<br>
You will get the full wonderful KNOPPIX boot menu.
=== 7. How to run knoppix from a windows partition without burning a CD ===
-Boot your existing linux
-Mount -o loop KNOPPIX_V3.X-XX-XX-XX.iso /mnt/iso (create that dir earlier)
-cd /mnt/iso; cp -a * /mnt/win (your fat32 partition, mount it first)
-mkdir /img; mount -o loop /mnt/iso/KNOPPIX/boot.img /img
-cp /img/miniroot.gz /boot; cp /img/vmlinuz /boot/vmknoppix
-edit lilo.conf to create a new image=/boot/vmknoppix with initrd=/boot/miniroot.gz
-run [[lilo]], reboot
-choose the name you gave knoppix in lilo.conf's label
-done! now proceed to install knoppix to the hard drive if you want!
=== 8. Yet another way (from a laptop with no floppy drive) with knoppix 3.4 ===
(assumes a small boot partition as /dev/hda1, and that knoppix tohd=/dev/hda2)
# boot into the command line mode <knoppix 2 hdfrom=/dev/hda2>
# mount your booting partition<mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1>
# mount your knoppix cd <mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mnt/test>
# copy the neccisary boot files
<cp /mnt/test/boot/isolinux/linux24 /mnt/hda1
cp /mnt/test/boot/isolinux/minirt24.gz /mnt/hda1
cp /etc/lilo.conf /mnt/hda1>
# edit lilo.conf with mcedit <mcedit /mnt/hda1/lilo.conf>
: - make sure to remove the line towards the begining from klaus
;    - i commented out most of this and added the following : image=/mnt/hda1/linux24 <br>
initrd=minirt24.gz <br>
label=linux <br>
(( i realise there is alot more that could be done here,however for the sake of brevity thats all i did, the key parts are the linux24 and the minirt24.gz))
# run lilo with the new lilo.conf, '''not''' the CDs one.
<lilo -C /mnt/hda1/lilo.conf>
# unmout things <umount /mnt/test; umount /mnt/hda1>
# reboot <init 6>
# enjoy (one thing i found was the knoppix commands can be used at the LILO prompt, so personally i run <linux dma lang=en fromhd=/dev/hda2>

Latest revision as of 09:19, 4 January 2013

Template:Delete Werner P. Schulz 02:19, 4 January 2013 (MST)