^I'm functionally blind, don't have the luxury of living with a sighted person who's knowledgeable enough to convert a vanilla install of Debian to something a blind user can work with and the Adriane variant of Knoppix is the only distro I've found that I can fully install and customize post-installation without assistence from a sighted person. As much as I think 0WN is a piece of junk compared to the Debian Installer, I'm kind of stuck with its limitations until a better Blind person's distro comes along or I learn enough to build a better blind person's distro myself, and sadly, porting Adriane to Debian isn't as simple as adding the knoppix repository to a Debian sources.list and running sudo apt-get install adriane as even with my vastly stripped down set-up there's at least one package in the Adriane dependency tree that isn't available from the repository(and every attempt to use dpkg-repack has failed).